03 (5/7) Vivid Dream

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Bud hummed her way to the faculty office to review her student's math worksheets. She mimicked the rhythm of the voice she heard in her dream. Despite its hidden yet conspicuous melancholy, it's very catchy. Though it was odd that she could recall it so vividly.

She reached for the knob to the faculty office, but then stopped when she felt a sudden thud in her stomach. "Oh," she uttered. She rubbed her belly for anything strange but felt nothing out of the ordinary. "Maybe I'm just hungry," she assumed. "It has been a long day after all."

She opened the door and saw plentiful of her co-workers scribbling and chatting at their desk. Among them were a group of three ponies she was familiar with.

"Hey guys," she announced to them with a chipper voice. "Was today nice for you as well?"

"Loving Bud," a green stallion with a periwinkle shirt approached her. "Lazuli told me that you're feeling sick. Are you okay?"

Bud widened her eyes and then glanced at Lazuli who stood next to a purple with a colorful spectrum mane. "You told them?"

"Yes," said the purple mare. "She did because she is a concerned friend. Honestly, dear, you should have taken yourself to the hospital. I know the school hours are the best moments for you, but you should take priority of your own health first and foremost."

"We appreciate everything you do here Ms. Bud," the green stallion added. "But we prefer it if you don't harm yourself while doing so."

Bud blushed at the stallion's words and stared at the carpet beneath her. "Um..." Should she thank him for his concern? Would he like it if she said that? Obviously, he would, right?

"Careful with what you say Leaf Clip," the purple mare said. "She might think you're coming on to her."

The cheeks on Bud's face boiled as she glanced flabbergasted at the purple mare. "I would never think that!"

"Stop joking around Passion Touch," Lazuli said. "She needs to get checked."

"You're quite right," Passion admitted. "No way she would go for Leaf Clip. Even as desperate she is for a stallion, she would never demean herself for one so plain as herself."

"Thank for the compliment Ms. Touch," Leaf Clip deadpanned.

"It's not necessarily a bad quality my dear," Passion assured him. "It just means you require a mare to balance out your mediocrity."

"Does everything you say have to sound like an insult," Lazuli complained. Lazuli was not particularly fond of the school's art teacher as Bud makes an effort to. Her dichotomy of kindness and hostility in her words is always a difficult task to bear. Bud would worry for Passion's art students who would struggle to please her expectations to earn a perfect grade.

"But on to more important matters," Passion ignored Lazuli. "Bud, you need to take yourself to the hospital this instant. I can't enjoy myself to the fullest if I can't bear witness your ill-fated attempts in your stallion hunt."

Bud's head lit so redly that steams were probable to stream out of her ears at any given moment. "I-I don't stallion hunt!" Bud raised her voice, but then hushed her lips with a hoof when her other coworkers glanced at her.

"There's no need to feel embarrassed," Passion said. "We're all friends here."

"You make me question that every time I talk to you," Lazuli said.

"Now that's just hurtful," Passion said. "If you like, I can provide a lesson or two to earn a stallion's fancy. Celestia knows the two of you could use some."

"Says the mare that's also without a stallion," Lazuli retorted.

"Can we get back to what's important here," Leaf Clip interjected. "Somepony needs to take her to the hospital before her condition gets worse."

"It's okay Leaf Clip," Bud said. "I'm feeling better now."

"I'll believe it when I hear it from a doctor," Lazuli said.

"Why can't you just trust me?"

"Because you always put others before yourself. I know you like to make every pony happy, but not seeking help isn't going to put a smile on our faces."

"...," Bud sighed."Okay, I'll go. But can I at least get some rest at home first."

"Good," Lazuli smiled. "Then let's get you to bed right now."

"Now?" Bud questioned. "As in right now, now?"

"Well duh."

"But I have worksheets to grade."

"Bud, you're only teaching elementary students," Lazuli responded. "Besides you already labored yourself with most of those last night, right?"

"Yeah...", Bud started. "But that was yesterday?"

"You don't have to worry about that," Leaf said. "I'll handle them for you. Just make sure you have yourself taken care of, okay?"

"...Okay," Bud grimaced. "I'm sorry for troubling you."

"Oh don't worry about that," Leaf smiled. "We're both co-workers, but more importantly we're friends, remember? We help each other when needed."

His kind words put a smile back on her face. She was going to thank him for this time until Lazuli pushed her out of the office.

"Alright then we're off," Lazuli hurriedly said.

"When she gets better," Passion began. "Tell her I said happy hunting."

"Why don't you worry about your own hunt," Lazuli nodded toward Leaf Cip who was seated on Bud's desk, already marking through her student's worksheets. Passion angrily raised her hoof toward her mouth to signal her to hush. Lazuli approved with the satisfaction of seeing rosy cheeks on her friend as she left.

Passion took a deep breath to cool her heart and approached behind Leaf Clip. "So," she started. "I don't mind helping if you like."

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