14 (1/2) Cake Wedding

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"I knew it would be a perfect fit for you," Blueberry clapped her hooves as Bud finished lacing a dress onto Raven Inkwell. The two mares had garnered the filly in a bright frilly yellow dress with floral embroideries. "I honestly a bit surprised it was still in my old closet. I would've thought my daughter had moved in here by now."

"Mrs. Swirl," Raven started as she rubbed her hoof on the dress. "Are you sure it's okay for me to wear something so important? I do have my own in my luggage."

"I'm afraid it won't do," Blueberry declined. "My daughter specifically demanded that every pony wears bright colors for the wedding. The purple dress you showed me is far too dark for the occasion." Blueberry picked up a flower-like pin from a nearby dresser and attached it upon

Raven's mane. "Besides, I think this is a better look for you. Anypony would see you as an innocent fairy in this dress."

"A fairy," Raven mumbled as a tinge of red came upon her cheeks. Raven looked at herself in the mirror and looked dazed at the filly before her. As Bud recalls, most of Raven's garments always had a sense of professionalism in them. So, to be garnered in something unlike what she is used to is probably a new experience for her.

"I see you're taking a liking to it, aren't you?" Blueberry grinned. "Why not keep it?"

"What?" Raven widened. "I can't take this. Shouldn't it be hoofed down to your Ms. Chiffon?"

"My daughter and I have different views of fashion, which is why it's here instead of in her closet; which should've been here by now."

"It's okay Raven," Bud stroked Raven's mane with a brush. "She doesn't mind."

Raven glanced at herself again before resigning, "Yes ma'am." Bud was perplexed about why her aunt's gift didn't earn a smile from her student, but she continued to groom her student's mane. She'll find some time to talk to her later.

"Mrs. Swirl," Raven started. "If possible, could I wear a mane pin I brought with me?"

"Oh, you have one of your own? Well, that's perfectly fine. What does it look like?"

"It's shaped like a feather pen; it was a birthday gift from a mother."

"Got it, I'll just skim through your luggage and I'll be back in a jiffy." Blueberry chuckled. "Oh, I love using that word, 'jiffy"."

"Wait," Bud said. "Raven's luggage complex with many pockets inside. You'll spend half an hour trying to find it. Let me get it."

"Now Bud," Blue held her hoof up. "Our dear Raven asked me specifically to bring the pin. You should have more confidence if your aunt to handle a simple task."

"I didn't mean it like that Aunt Blue," Bud said.

"I know," Blueberry grinned. "But while I'm out, you should attend to your student. I think half an hour should be enough time." Blueberry winked at her niece and then exited the room.

Bud raised a brow at her aunt's exchange. Looking back at Raven, she sighed and mumbled, "Always wanting to do everything her way." She then resumed grooming her student's mane and said, "It must be nice to be a flower filly for the wedding. I always hoped to be one someday, though I never had the chance." A moment passed without a response from Raven, which halted Bud's hoof on the brush. "Is everything alright Raven?"

"Ms. Bud," Raven started, but then said nothing afterward.

"You know you can speak to me about anything Raven," Bud assured her. "Please, tell me what's troubling you."

"I..." Raven took a deep breath and then exhaled. "Do you think I'm intruding by having a role in the wedding?"

"What makes you say that?"

"For less than a day, I've become acquainted with the Swirl family. To have so much trust as to have a significant part in the wedding should not be possible. It shouldn't just be any foal that comes to a flower filly for this wedding. That's why I had no qualms with sitting on the seats like everypony else. But this...I just feel that I didn't earn this. And worse yet, I think I'm taking advantage of you because of this."

Bud paused on her student's words and then proceeded to brush her student's mane again. "Raven, I don't believe it's a matter of who deserves to be the flower filly. And in no way are you taking advantage of me. I want you to be here and so do the Swirls. You shouldn't feel bad about it."

Bud looked at the mirror to get visual on Raven's reaction, but there was still gloom looming over her face. Raven then spoke, "Even for my dad's lie about a relative living here?"

"Oh...," Bud was still unsure about how to approach this. Who would've thought that Hawk would blatantly lie to her about a resident in Ponyville? No doubt it was another ploy of his to keep Raven close to her, which she is finding difficulty to be angry about. But to go so far as to group his own daughter with ponies that he himself hardly knows is ludicrous.

"I understand that you're upset with me and my father. We shouldn't have misused your trust as we did. B-but he did say you had a trustworthy character and he did look into the Swirl family before coming to the hospital." Bud frowned at Raven's excuse. She didn't like to put Raven in this predicament.

"Raven," Bud hugged Raven from behind which earned perky ears from her student. "I won't say I'm not disheartened that you lied to me, but I would never hold a grudge against you because you were simply listening to your father."

"Are you sure?" Bud felt her student shaking. "You're not just saying to protect my own feelings, are you?"

Bud tightened her hold on Raven. "I don't blame you for lying to me. But from henceforth, I would like for you to be honest with me. No matter what it is, I won't shun you away. So don't ever think I will."

Bud's ear perked from a sniffle she heard from her student. "I'm sorry for keeping a secret from you," Raven's voice quivered. "I was so scared that you would look at me differently when you found out."

"There's no need to cry," Bud used the reflection of the mirror to brushed trails of tears off of Raven's face. "Today is a day to be happy. So I want you to enjoy yourself."

Raven raised a hoof to clear out any remaining tear from herself. "Does that mean you forgive my father too?"

"I'll talk to him later when we return to Manehattan, but you don't have to worry about that."

"Please don't be mad at my father," Raven pleaded. "He was only doing what's best for me."

"Now Raven, I told you not to worry about that. You should be more focused on the rehearsal the flower fillies are going to do in an hour from now at the town hall. I want you to go to practice, make new friends, and most importantly, have fun. Can you do that?"

"Yes ma'am," Raven resigned.

"Good," Bud smiled. "And I'll be sure that my mother gets good pictures of you. Who knows, she may post them at her house. I think I might do the same."

"P-please don't Ms. Bud."

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