30: Mother of Five (3/6)

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The sound of ponies resounded through the plaza of Baltimare as Bud and her party browsed through the outdoor shops. Hope had proposed they go out and find a reward for Artemis and Nebula after the small filly remained to give the grandmother a hissy fit after their dressing. However, this was no gift that the two could bring back to the apartment for their leisure but ones exclusively available at Hope's home as bait to draw them back to her clutches. Bud did mention that Hope has her morals when it came to her manipulations, but she never said that there were exceptions.

As they searched for toys and foods to share amongst each other, Bud was beginning to notice a trend of her son's fascination with bats. It was always something with bat wings and fangs that interested the colt. His collection of toys was filled with predatory creatures that would make most foals cry, but to Artemis, he would cuddle and nibble frivolously upon their ears. Bud grew anxious that her son may grow to pick up some odd preferences in the future.

Nebula, on the other hoof, was gullible to the food presented by her grandmother, as Bud would expect. Her little filly has shown herself to be a glutton for food and despite the mass, she would gobble in her tummy, her figure was still prim and proper as the first day she popped out of Bud. Bud had to wonder if thestrals are common to have metabolism or if it's just something unique about Nebula. Either way, Bud will have to increase her stocks on her shelves when Nebula gets bigger.

"Bud," Hope voiced. "Will you be a dear and get us some cotton candy from that stand?" Hope pointed to a stand on the far end of a street from the isle of other outdoor shops. "I want to sit down for a bit."

"Sure," Bud nodded. "I'll get some for the rest of us as well."

"I knew you would," Hope smiled. As the group headed on without her, Hope grabbed onto Grace's hindleg. "You weren't thinking of leaving me in my lonesome, were you?"

"No," Grace stuttered. "I thought that you wanted to be alone, that's all."

"Good, then you don't mind sitting with me." Hope guided the befuddled mare to the center of the plaza where a large fountain stood. Grace vaguely remembers this spot from the carriage she rode to the mansion of the Jaeger family a long time ago. It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen when its water glittered in the still night. It was the only good thing she remembered before she began being groomed to become the perfect son to the heir of the Jaeger family.

"I used to bring Bud around here a lot at night whenever she felt down," Hope said. "The fountain makes a distinct glitter and glow that always drives her out of her funk. She described them to be dancing in the air like a group of fireflies."

"That's a nice way to put it," Grace said. "Though, I find it hard to imagine seeing her down. She's so understanding that it makes it difficult to think that any pony could truly hate her."

"Everypony is not guaranteed the love of others," Hope said. "Some just won't have an affinity for them, be it because of class, personality, or any other sort of value. Differences can push others away, regardless of how small it may appear. The world can be cruel in that kind of way, but that's why we have a group of friends and families to go back to. They're the ones that can keep us whole in this big world."

"To go back to, huh," Grace repeated as gazed at the statue. It was a stoned figure of a mare with angelic wings. Water shot through portions of its feather, cascading down the three pools it stood above.

"You really surprised back at the boutique," Hope said. "I didn't think my words could move you to tears like that. I have to wonder though; did I bring up some memories of yours when I said that?"

"You have nothing to worry about," Grace hurriedly answered. "It's something that happened a long time ago...I rather not talk about it."

"...Okay then," Hope nodded and then looked at the fountain as well. "You know, you and Bud are kind of alike."

"Really?" Grace raised a brow. "What would make you suggest that?"

"You two are like perfectionists, trying so hard to figure everything out and become the best of what you can possibly be. Her with being a mother and you being a proper nanny. But, you two always look to carry so much burden and yet choose not to share with others. I don't understand why you would hold it when you have a group of friends and families here to support you, but I have to believe that you two have your reasons. However, it hurts me when I can clearly see it bothering the two of you."

"Are you suggesting that I should speak up about my burdens?" Grace asked.

"It's not something I want to force or trick out of you," Hope confessed. "Though, I wonder how patient I should be before it's too late. It's like one of those ultimatums where either choice risks hurting the two of you in the end."

"I'm sorry to hear about that..."

"It's part of being a parent," Hope chuckled. "Something Bud will understand fully well when Nebula and Artemis get older." Hope turned to meet Grace's gaze. "But back to my point. I just want to let you know that I hope that you can see us as ponies that you can share anything about. You don't have to bear everything on your own."

"Is it because we're friends?"

"Friends?" Hope chuckled. "Oh please, you're practically my third daughter at this point."

"Daughter!?" Grace faltered at the mare's claim. "Wait, third? Who's the second then?"

"Come now, that should be obvious." Hope grinned. "Anyhow, whenever you feel ready, I'll be here to hear you out. Don't feel afraid to share anything with me."

Grace looked longingly at the hoof that Hope extended to her. If only she wasn't cursed with this terrible task from her master. Cursed by this despicable collar that barred her from her true desires. Cursed by being a part of that despicable family that adopted her and tangled her into a life crime and pain.

If only...If only, she met this mare first. Adopted by this loving mare and to be her daughter. To be a sister of Loving Bud. To be a Loving herself, Grace was certain that she would have attained the joy that would have always sought for. A place to belong to as Loving Grace.

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