28 The Bloom of Lazuli (2/7)

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I didn't go too far, but I found myself underneath a tall hill where no pony would find me within the distance. My coach would probably look for me, but I didn't want anyone to see me right now. A lot of emotions festered inside me that night. I was angry, confused, anxious, and...crying.

I don't think I've ever done that in a long time. Before that, the last time I cried was when my mom...

I had no way of processing the pain I felt. It just appeared to have gotten worse as the floodgates within eyes opened more and more. I was so scared of what my father would think of me when he heard of my failure. I had scary thoughts that he would disown me and discard me to the streets.

Yeah, yeah, I know, that's a bit excessive, but I really thought my world was ending before me.

And as I became paranoid, the last pony I expected to find me had approached me. She gave herself away when she tripped and twirled down the hill. I did mention she was a bit of a klutz, didn't I?

The mare picked herself up and that Celestia-forsaken plush she lugged around herself. I blankly looked at her, completely in a daze of her presence.

"Oh," Loving Bud faltered a step. But then she took a step forward. "Please don't be sad. You gave it everything you had. You were wonderful."

"You!" I pointed at her. I felt a fit of rising anger overcome me. It felt right to me, so I stuck with it. I mean, it was only when she came to my mind when everything went wrong. If it wasn't for her, I would've been getting praises for my obvious victory. I had it all in the bag, and I really believed that it was all her fault. "This is all your fault!"

"Me?" Bud looked so confused at my accusation. And the lack of understanding from her face only infuriated me more.

"Yes, you!" I stomped my hooves before her. I didn't even care about the tears I sported before her. I just lashed out my anger at her, blaming her for every feeling, I had surging in me. I'm surprised she didn't run away; I always thought of her as a timid mare. Well, she is shy, but she has that wonderful habit of staying strong when it really counts. A shame I only saw it as an insult to my pride.

"If wasn't for your dumb little mix-up at the garden," I continued to lash at her, prodding my hoof upon her pectoral. "I wouldn't have gotten so distracted. I bet you did that on purpose, didn't you? You must have some petty beef with me because I'm so liked by ponies. You wanted to take me down a peg; is that it?"

"What?" Bud widened her eyes. "N-no. I just wanted to cheer for you. I wanted to be supportive of my friend."

"Will you just shut up!?" I flapped my wings hard before her. I blew a strong gust that backed her a few feets away from me. She looked so shocked by my action, but she picked herself back up again and tread carefully toward me. "You're not my friend!" I yelled at her. "I don't need any! The only thing that matters is my dad, nothing else."

That concerned face Bud had on her made me feel uncomfortable. She kept inching her way to me, bit by bit. I could have easily gotten physical with her, but something about her touch made me anxious. And so, I rose to the sky and flew off.

But, I swore that I would get payback for what she did. I was determined to get even with her.

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