35 A Win (3/5)

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Bud assembled with the green team in the middle of the field. As stadium workers prepared the track for a baton race to serve as the finale of the field day competition, Bud's team members held an oddly serious discussion.

Bluebelle took charge of the conversation, providing an in-depth assessment of the performance of each pony. Bud found it astonishing how Bluebelle memorized the names and feats of so many ponies she had recently met. Most of which she has yet to greet as well. Guess she truly is Princess Celestia's star ambassador for a good reason.

Bud on the other hoof simply watched Bluebelle at work as she attended to the young foals with Sabah Glow at her side. The parents were deeply invested in the selection, delegating their foals to the foal-fanatic mother, Loving Bud. She did not find the title all that pleasing, but she could not deny such a desiring task.

"I never expected to see those three so passionate about this," Sabah commented. Bud shared Sabah's surprise. To see not just Bluebelle, but also Velvet and Cloudy providing thorough inputs about the matchup seemed to come out of the left field. Neither of them would expect those three to have such a competitive side.

"Well," Bud started. "I think it's nice. I was getting worried if Cloudy would stay bitter towards Bluebelle throughout the day."

"Bluebelle has this mysterious way to befriend any creature she meets. I once saw her having a joyful conversation with a grumpy old griffon. No pony but Bluebelle was the only one who could keep him in check."

"That's amazing," Bud commented. "She must have friends from creatures all across the lands."

"I'm confident she does. We all know she has her moments when she's overbearing, but it all comes from the goodness of her heart." As Sabah watched Bluebelle, a frown came upon her face. "It's a value that other nobles in Canterlot pale in comparison to."

Bud perked at Sabah's words. "What do you mean?"

"Feh," Bud heard Nebula harrumph at her side. The filly leaned her body onto Bud, appearing to coat her body in as much of her mother's warmth as possible. "The life of a noble is one riddled with deception. A pony must possess great knowledge and cunning to hold on to their status. Though, I wouldn't expect a pair of plebes to understand."

"Bluebelle may never want to admit this," Sabah said. "But there's a sense of hostility cloaked around the nobles. It is as if they're all wearing a mask for ulterior motives. That's why I feel she may need this day more than any of us."

Bud pored her eyes onto Bluebelle. A mare of royal with a personality as elegant yet bombastic as hers is a pony Bud would never imagine having shadows. But that was a foolish thought. No matter what walk of life a creature has, there was always a shadow to haunt all of them. The best thing Bud can hope for is that it does not consume Bluebelle. And with friends like her and others around her, she was hopeful that it would never come to pass.

Bud gazed down at the three colts huddled between Sabah and Bud. Her son had become a favorite to Shining Armor and Blueblood, barely giving Artemis a time alone. Their cheeks squashed between each other as Artemis giggled and the other two bickered amongst each other with cute groans.

Limestone on the other hoof nestled in Sabah's hooves. Her eyes often drifted towards Shining, who sat between Artemis and Sabah's belly.

Bud was relieved to find the filly finally opening up to somepony. Now, if only she could find a way to a hold of the filly herself.

"I see Artemis is popular amongst the colts," Sabah commented. "I sense he may share that ability of unity with Bluebelle. Though, I can only hope this does not spark a rivalry."

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