18 Compromise (2/2)

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“Good morning Ms. Loving,” Tenure Grace said when Bud reluctantly opened her front door.
“Please just call me Bud,” she sighed as she begrudgingly allowed the mare into her apartment.
“Punctual,” Hope voiced when they entered the living room. “I like that.” Bud glared at her mother, in which Hope responded, “Oh don’t be such a party pooper. I’ll be right here to supervise her.”
“You wish to put me under supervision,” Grace asked. “Well, if that is what’s required to make you comfortable, then I will comply with this arrangement.”
“Look,” Bud started. “I’m leaving my mom to watch over my foals. You may be a trained professional, but you’re still a stranger to me and therefore I don’t really trust you around my foals. So, the best I’d like you to do is to help my mother whenever she asks for it. As long as you do that, then we can at least make this bearable.”
“You have nothing to worry about,” Grace assured. “But if I have to prove my worth you, then I shall through your mother.”
“Sure…,” Bud mumbled.
Lazuli had then entered with the foals wrapped in damp towels. Her wings fluttered to keep her floating above the floor as she held the foals in each of her hooves. “Are we ready to go yet? I really don’t want the principle to be on y flank again. That stallion takes punctuality too seriously.”
“Good morning Ms. Summer,” Grace greeted Lazuli.
“Oh, you,” Lazuli said with a miffed face. “Don’t get too comfy in my house, ‘cause you’re not going to be here for that long.”
“Lazuli,” Hope voiced. “if you have nothing polite to say, I suggest you keep it to yourself.”
“It’s my—” Lazuli stopped when she saw Hope glaring at her. Lazuli knew far too well from past experience to never push on that mare’s nerves. She may come off as a jovial and fun-loving mare, but there are sides to her that are best not to expound. “Yes, ma’am.” Lazuli annoyingly relented as she laid the foals on the floor.
“Hope approached the two foals and scooted them in between her hind legs. “everything will be fine, so you can attend to your students at school. Arty and Neb will be right here with us waiting for you.”
Bud sighed and approached her foals. She kissed both of their foreheads and hugged them before heading to the front door with Lazuli. When she opened the door, she looked back at Grace, who was still within sight. Their eyes met and Tenure Grace gave her a silent bow. Bud had never felt so peeved toward a pony in her life.

Hope heard the door close and sighed in relief that the tensions between her daughter and Tenure Grace had finally been given a pause. This aggression is not a healthy environment for the foals to be in, which is why Hope plans to get the two of them to get along. First however, she’ll need to get this mare to drop this persona she’s portraying.
“I’m sorry about that,” Hope started. “My daughter is only concerned about her foals’ safety. You understand, don’t you?”
“I’m fully aware of Ms. Loving’s adamant of my presence. She must find me as an inconvenience, but I intend to sway her otherwise.”
“You’re quite optimistic,” Hope smiled. “Aren’t you?”
“May I see the foals?” Grace asked. “I believed doing so while Ms. Loving was here may had escalated things.”
Hope removed the towels form the foals and laid the damp cloth across her shoulder. Nebula yawned loudly as she slouched upon her grandmother to fall back to sleep. Artemis shook his body like a pup, flailing drops of water across the living room.
“So these are my targets,” Grace thought as she observed the two of them. Retrieving them for her boss will be months of work in earning all of the Loving family’s trust and creating a scenario where she can separate the foals from the family without drawing attention to herself. Honestly, this task is a major hassle she rather not deal with; along with moral boundaries that she still isn’t quite sure she’s ready to cross. But if she doesn’t do it…
“Are you going to say hi,” Hope asked Grace, snapping her from her thoughts.
“Y-yes,” Grace cursed herself for stuttering. Hope on the other hoof found it as a good sign of her persona breaking.
Tenure Grace cleared her throat before she proceeded her way toward Artemis. The colt faltered when he noticed Tenure Grace and immediately fled under the couch.
“…” Grace widened at the sudden reaction of the colt.
“How about trying a different approach,” Hope suggested.

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