03 (4/7) Vivid Dream

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Once Bud had her moment to rest, she was able to resume her teachings until the school concluded for the day. Bud kept all of her students company at the front of the school until every parent came by the retrieve them. She hoped none of them would tell them of her small incident. The principle will no doubt reprimand her if he caught wind of it.

Raven Inkwell's parent was the last to arrive at the school. A slim white stallion approached the two as Bud greeted him, "Good afternoon Hawk Inkwell."

"Ms. Bud," Hawk said. "Let's keep ourselves to formality. You may only address me as Mr. Inkwell."

"Of course," Bud faked a smile. "Mr. Inkwell."

Hawk glanced at his daughter who stood closely to Bud. "I trust my daughter has performed handsomely today, correct?"

"Oh yes," she honestly smiled. "Raven has been a satisfying student to my lessons."

"I expected no less," Hawk grinned. "She is to become the advisor of our princess one day. The knowledge she will learn will help shape the system of our country."

"That's a grand goal to achieve," Bud responded. "I'm sure if that is what she wants, she'll no doubt do well."

"Of course, she will," Hawk said with a disgruntled voice. "My wife and I had made plans to admit her to an elite school at Canterlot where she will adhere to the etiquette and most relevant lessons to prove her obvious worth to our princess. This academy only serves as her start."

"Well, I'm positive she'll do her best," Bud's smile began to cringe.

"She'll do perfectly." Hawk turned away from Bud. "Let's go now Raven, you have a tutor session in the next two hours."

"Yes father," before Raven followed her father, Raven hugged Bud again. "See you tomorrow Ms. Bud."

"Of course," Bud wrapped her hooves around her. "Be sure to enjoy yourself for the rest of the day for me, okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Raven said as she left her teacher's side. She waved her goodbye as she galloped to her father's side.

Bud grimaced to see the last of her students go. She will have to wait for another series of hours before seeing them again. If only she could keep for a bit more time.

She clapped her cheeks together. Now was not the time to be mellow. Her job was not finished yet.

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