23 The Story of Thestrals (3/6)

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On one of many edges of the Equadi Mt. that night, we discovered a small clearing surrounded by a small throng of trees. The lake that stretched across the middle reflected upon the moon, glistening before us within the distance. Luna found this spot to be familiar, and so I decided that we would make camp here.

My guards concealed themselves within the bushes as Luna and I sat together before the lake. The waterfall that streamed into the lake came after bumps of others that cascaded straight from the top. Luna mentioned that the thestral colt played with the waters alongside his friends during the nights. I found it to be quite a dangerous activity for a foal to take sport in. I would inevitably have to report this to their parents to discipline, but that would have to come later.

"Teacher," Luna whispered to me. "The foals hath arrived."

"Where are they," I asked while keeping my gaze upon the lake. I don't want them to feel discovered just yet.

"The loom within the trees from the other side. Next to the waterfall. Let me speak with them."

"Of course," I agreed. "I imagine my attempt would be slightly more difficult."

"Only a slight," Luna grumbled at my remark. I took solace in my student's annoyance as she proceeded slowly around the lake.

On the other side, Luna revealed her voice to the hidden foals, "It is I, Remus. Thou dost not need to hide from me."

A short amount of seconds passed before my eyes perked at the falling of leaves. I saw my student's mouth move, by the weak roar of the small waterfall was able to muffle out her words. I could only watch as I assume my student was attempting to console the trust of the thestrals.

I felt an urge to rise from the ground when one of the thestral foals descended from the trees. Their appearance was a shock of how similar they were to my ponies. Its small fangs made me anxious about what to expect from the adults. I was nearly certain that we had come across the fabled vamponies that were told from stories.

The thestral foal I assumed to be Remus turned from Luna and called to the trees, revealing three more thestrals that encircled around Luna. I heard movement from the bushes near and I held I hoof up to stop it. I didn't want them to ruin that moment. It's not often I see such genuine joy aroused from my student's face. Mostly ambition and pride, but never happiness to this degree. If only she could feel the same way with ponies.

I waited for Luna to round the sprightly foals as they followed her back to me. They hid behind my student's hind leg, making small careful glances at me. I decided to stay on the ground to prevent inserting unnecessary fear into them.

"They seem to take a liking to you," I commented. "Quite quickly I might add."

"Oh teacher, I am certain I would accomplish the same a slight later."

I smiled at my student's remark and glanced at the foals. "So then, won't you introduce me to your friends?"

"Right," Luna turned her head to the anxious thestrals. "There is none to fear. My teacher is kind. She wants to speak with you four."

I paused at my student's oddly short sentences as one of the thestrals braved to step before me. It was the colt I believed to be Remus. His legs shook only a slight, but his eyes remained fixed and resolute upon my own.

"I am Remus," the small colt spoke. "Luna says you are kind. Is that true?"

"Yes child," I confirmed to the colt. "You will find that I seek no harm to you."

The colt looked back at my student that gave him a nod. He took a deep breath and then stepped closer to me. "M-may I have your hoof?"

"Excuse me?" I was confused by his question.

"Remus must lay an imprint upon the two if we wish to converse with his species."

"Perhaps thou should begin with that, dost thou agree?"

"It will only be a slight pain teacher," Luna said. "Thou can endure it."

"Luna," I sighed. "I believe thou art taking my words too personally." Regardless, I held my hoof before the colt and his fang anxiously sunk upon it. I held my eyes to bushes to warn my guards not to approach.

Remus pulled his fangs back as I witnessed my blood drip from his mouth. I would be lying if I said I did not feel any disgust upon the sight. However, for the purpose of meeting with his leaders, I repressed any signs of my true feelings. Though, I was openly bothered by my redden-soaked coat.

"My brother will know my scent," Remus spoke after licking my blood off of his mouth.

"Is that so?" I responded. "Then Luna will need the same treatment as well."

"Thou took that rather nicely," Luna mumbled.

"Were thou hoping that dear Remus would be rougher with a fair mare?" I asked my student.

"N-no," Luna widened. "Of course not."

"Do not worry Luna, the pain is only a slight. Though I fear your lack of tolerance for sharp objects will make this slightly more difficult."

"It is not that bad," Luna took offense to my remark. However, my words inevitably held true when I had to hold her down as Remus punctured a mark upon her.

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