33 Blossoming Passions (4/4)

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Lazuli leaned out of a seat she was given by one of the stadium workers as she observed the many matches taking place. Each had their own referee to manage the scores and add to the scoreboard for each team.

However, her eyes would always be drawn back to Bud. The mare was putting up a valiant effort to be precise in her tosses as she sported an apparent rivalry against the peeved social worker. A sight that Lazuli could help but see as a blessing.

"Now I wish I had a camera," Lazuli remarked.

As she savored the matches taking place, her attention was taken away by the voice of a stallion. "Lazuli," Leaf stepped onto the stage and approached the mare.

"Leaf?" Lazuli began. "Weren't you looking after the foals?"

"Yes, well," Leaf coughed. Lazuli noted a tint of red on his cheeks. "I needed to step away for a bit. That's why I left Passion with them. But that's not important right now!"

Leaf suddenly rushed before Lazuli and leered upon her face. "What matters is that nonsensical bet that you made many months ago."

"What do you mean?" Lazuli's voice got defensive as she pushed Leaf away from her. "You're the one that agreed to it, so I don't know why you're complaining."

"Yes, I'm well aware of that. But given the circumstances now, I expect you to follow through on it."

"...wait, wait, wait," Lazuli waved both of her hooves. "Where is all of this coming from? I only do my part if you...you didn't!?" Lazuli gaped in surprise.

"Stop with that gawking," Leaf demanded. "This is nothing to be happy about."

"Dude, you gotta tell what happened," Lazuli excitedly asked. "I need all the deets on this."

"I will tell no such thing," Leaf gritted his teeth. "This has become a severe inconvenience to me and I wholeheartedly regret allowing this to happen." Leaf took a breath and exhaled before continuing, "I have done my part, but it falls to you to do your end of the bargain. Get your closure. I'm going for a coffee break."

Before Lazuli could thrust more of her curiosity, the stallion stormed off the stage. A small pause came upon her as her eyes trailed by to Bud.

The joy she felt before was now replaced with a staggering rush of her heart. She held upon her chest to slow the sudden rush in her breathing.

According to their bet, when Leaf confronts his feelings about Passion, then Lazuli would also do so in kind. But she wasn't sure if she was ready. In honesty, she thought of that whole arrangement as some petty push from Leaf to goad her to act, which is why she trapped him in an act he couldn't possibly have the courage to do himself.

But somehow, he built the courage and now so must Lazuli. "Today really will be memorable, won't it..."

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