03 (6/7) Vivid Dream

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It was still bright out when Bud and Lazuli returned to their apartment. Bud noticed a letter deposited in a slot installed to the front of their door. Bud took it out and read the sender's name. "It's from mom"

"Another one?", Lazuli questioned. "What does she even write about?"

"Usually about her daycare center. I did leave behind a lot of foals when I decided to become a teacher here in Manehattan. Well, when she decided for me to leave."

"She just wants you to live out your life. Would be kind of hard to do that if you spent your whole life at Baltimare you know."

"Mmm," Bud voiced as she entered their apartment. "Will you still be here when I wake up?"

"Oh don't worry about that. I'll find something to keep me busy. Just get some rest."

"Okay, okay. I'll go to sleep if it makes everypony happy," Bud closed the door to her room behind her.

She sat above her bed and looked again at the letter. It was addressed by her mother, Loving Hope.

For the last three weeks since starting her first year at Manehatten Academy, her mother has mailed her letters of all sorts. From the status of her daycare center to recipes and reminders on how to take care of herself. No doubt this was another one to dote on her.

Bud opened the letter and read the note.

Good day my Little Lovely Flower, the letter began. Loving Bud couldn't help but roll her eyes at the nickname. Her mother once thought she would grow to be a gardener because she made a habit of collecting seeds in a journal during her foalhood. She'd probably still think that since her cutie mark is a budded rose.

Bud continued to read the letter.

You won't believe what I've heard today, but your cousin Chiffon Swirl got engaged last week and she's having her wedding this coming weekend. Isn't that amazing!?

Loving Bud paused at that sentence. She read it again to make sure she was hearing it right. "Chiffon is getting married!"

Bud let out a groan and sprawled atop her sheets. "Guess now she's closer than I would ever be."

She stared at the ceiling where her fan spun endlessly, blowing a small gust wind down her fur. She closed her eyes and delved into her imagination. She imagined what kind of foal her cousin would have. Maybe it'll a filly. Or perhaps a colt. Either one she'd no doubt would love all the same. Maybe Chiffon would make her its godmother, knowing how great Bud is with foals.

Loving Bud opened her eyes with a blank face."I wish I could have my own."

Bud plainly finished through her mother's letter and then tossed it off her bed. She resigned herself beneath her sheets and snuggled comfortably till her mind drifted.

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