07 (2/2) Premonition

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The Princess found her herself at the entrance of Spice's office, where a single royal guard stood next to the door. The blue stallion guard saluted to the Princess when she drew within his sights.

"Good evening your Grace," the stallion formally announced the Princess.

"And good evening to you Night Light," Celestia responded with a kind voice, but her serious demeanor was giving him mixed signals.

"Is everything alright Princess?" Night Light felt compelled to ask.

"That is why I came here. I need to speak with Sunset Spice."

Night Light eyed at the door anxiously and returned his view onto the Princess. "I'm not sure now is a good time Princess."

"This cannot wait," Celestia said as she stepped before the door, compelling the stallion to stand back to give her space. Celestia knocked twice upon the door that sounded more like bangs. "Sunset Spice, are you there?"

"Princes!?" Celestia heard a muffled shriek from her assistant. His voice was followed by the clopping of hooves before a resounding thud was heard.

"Spice, are you okay?" Celestia did not wait for an answer as she bashed the door open. His office was a fair size with the simplest furniture: cabinets in every corner, a mahogany desk that Celestia special ordered for him on his birthday, and a comfortable couch that Celestia sometimes use to lounge upon during their private talks. He also has a black and scarlet rug that covered the distance between the door and his desk that his face was currently planted upon. "Oh dear, are you alright?"

Celestia approached her clumsy assistant, who was quick to rise on his hooves at the sound of her caring voice. "I'm fine, I'm fine," Spice tried to speak calmly, but did poorly to hide the cringe in his voice.

The Princess gave courtesy to her abashed assistant and sway her sights from him, shifting to the couch leaned to the wall. There, she finally became aware of a dumbfounded yellow mare with dreaded red mane sitting on the couch.

Now realizing the Princess was looking her way, the mare hurried off the couch and knelt before her. "Princess Celestia," the mare was more poised than the Princess's assistant with her low-pitched voice.

"You are-" Celestia started as she studied the unicorn mare. She looked familiar. Celestia could recall meeting her before. Yes, she remembered the mare leaving an impression on her. A rather pleasant one that piqued her interest. "Ah, Sabah Glow, was it?"

Her answer received a smile from the mare. "It gives me joy that you remember Princess. We did not share much time to talk the last time we have met."

Yes, Celestia remembered now. The first and only time they have met was during last year's Grand Galloping Gala when Celestia spent her first few dull hours greeting all the haughty nobles and bashful ponies that were too time to speak sanely to her. It was only Sabah who invigorated the bored Princess the very moment she stepped before her. After all, it's not often you see a pony dressed in a kalasiris at a Gala of all places. And she was so elated to meet the Princess, that the dignified nobles around them looked incredulously at her. Celestia had to clamp her lips with her hoof to stifle her laughter.

"We still had so much to discuss with each other," Celestia said. "It was a shame that your date chose to separate us." Celestia eyed at Spice who was now rubbing the back of his neck. "He seemed quite embarrassed to see the two of us together."

"Please don't misunderstand Princess," Spice said. "I meant no disrespect."

"It has been forgiven," Celestia assured her assistant. "But more importantly, I was surprised to see you with such a delightful mare. I'm curious to know how your relationship has developed in the last few months. You never like to mention her to me."

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