07 (1/2) Premonition

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She didn't expect for another one so soon. Within another inconvenient moment of her day, it overwhelmed the Sun Princess. This anonymous surge of emotion befuddled her. So much so that it dissolved the fair smile she retained before the three officials of Manehattan.

Celestia was in the midst of providing a tour around her garden, a place of tranquility she designed with her personal labors. She filled the space with numerous kinds of plants: rainbow-faceted palm trees that looming above the cobblestone walkways and red orchids that glowed like neon at night. Each was reputed to possess a virtue of luck, a quality that fascinated the Sun Princess. She desired to cover her home with all she could find to ensure fortunate prospects for all ponies around. And especially for herself when that night arrives.

As magnificent as the garden is, she could not take all of the accomplishments for herself. Naturally, she received the aid from ponies exceptional in gardening for she bore little knowledge on how to inhabit them at the time. However, the centuries have proved fruitful in understanding their needs and here they now lie as her majestic sanctuary.

Though Celestia took merriment in recounting her past, she could sense that her guests did not share in her joy. Yes, they provided compliments within her pauses, but nothing unique that could spur a conversation. As Celestia showed them plants they could never find anywhere in Equestria, she could hear them mumble amongst each other from her behind. The Princess sighed, knowing that they have something else on their mind.

Celestia came to a halt and faced her three guests who smiled upon her. Their adulation did not hide from her, fully aware of their ulterior motive. "Regarding your proposal," Celestia began, now earning their undivided attention. "I have had time to think fairly from the discussion; however, I must ask that you wai—"

And at that moment, it came to her again. Brazenly halting her from her proclamation, Celestia felt an unknown sense of urgency. But from what she did not know. From where she could not pinpoint. All she could piece was that something required her attention immediately.

"Princess," one of the officials voiced, confused by Celestia's sudden stern expression.

"I'm sorry," Celestia snapped. "But I must excuse myself for a moment." Celestia did not bother waiting for their response as she teleported herself away from the vicinity, leaving behind three ponies at their suspense.

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