11 (2/2) Breakfast

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"Good morning Ms. Bud," Bud heard her favored student as she entered the dining room with Nebula. She found her seated at the same place at the dining table with a bowl of banana porridge nearly finished.

"Oh," Bud was a bit surprised to find Raven here. When did she get up? Did she help her mother with breakfast? "Good morning Raven."

Bud's mother had settled Artemis in a highchair between Raven and herself. After gently patting the colt's head, she said, "Just give me a few seconds to bring the bowls. Raven, can you keep an eye on Arty for me?"

"Of course ma'am," Raven enthusiastically said. "You can count on me."

"Now that's what I like to hear," Hope said and then excused herself to the kitchen. Bud sat on the same seat from yesterday with Nebula placed in her old highchair.

"This chair is horrendous," Nebula commented. Bud only sighed, not wanting to baffle her student by responding to Nebula's disdain.

"You're up quite early," Bud spoke to Raven. "Did my mother wake you?"

"Oh no," Raven answered. "Ms. Hope did nothing of the sort. I found an alarm clock in your room and used it to wake up in the morning. My dad expects me to always be punctual with everything I do."

"How diligent," Bud awkwardly commented. "But you do know you can take it easy while you're here with me, right?"

"I don't know if dad would approve of that."

"Well he's not here right now," Bud said but could still see hesitance in her student's face. "Raven, the reason I agreed to bring you with me was to give you a break. I know your father has been constantly training you to become the best fit for our Princess, but you should still have time to relax and unwind. You're still just a young filly."

"...You sound just like my mother," Raven smiled.

"Do I? Well, she sounds like a smart mare."

"She was...maybe I should take your advice. Just focus on relaxing, right?"

"Do I have to lecture you on the way of leisure," Bud grinned.

"No need Ms. Bud, I already have my source of joy right here." Raven laid her hoof on Artemis's tray and the colt quickly swooped down to gnaw his small teeth on it. Raven chuckled at the colt's voracity. "Artemis certainly has a robust oral fixation. We should find him a pacifier soon. Perhaps one that is durable."

"A plain pacifier will not suffice for Luna," Nebula said. "It must bear an allure to the night with the best of craftsmanship. Anything less will not due."

"Where do you expect me to find something like that," Bud questioned her daughter.

"Find what," Raven asked.

"Oh, uh, nothing. I was just speaking my thoughts out loud."

"I'm back," Hope singsong as she returned with a plate with three bowls. She passed between Bud and Nebula first and laid a bowl in front of each of them. Nebula observed the content of the porridge, leaving herself open for Hope to plant a kiss on her cheeks.

"You sneaky cu--" before Nebula could finish, Bud had prodded a spoonful of her own porridge into Nebula's mouth.

"Language Nebula," Bud mumbled close to Nebula. Her daughter glared at her but swallowed the porridge regardless when Bud pulled the spoon out from her mouth.

"The next time you do that, I'll tear your hoof off." Her threat appeared ineffective as Bud picked another spoonful fo porridge from Nebula's bowl.

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