35 A Win (2/5)

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Lazuli entered the stage to see the awaiting ponies. She can see ponies of all ages sprightly communed amongst each other, so open as if they have been friends for a long time. Without a doubt, her efforts were a stunning success, something she could boast about through the summer breaks. But now that she's made it this far, she'll need to end it with a bang.

 But now that she's made it this far, she'll need to end it with a bang

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"Alright ponies," Lazuli announced. "I hope you all got your laughs out of your system cause we're now at the home stretch." She could hear the whines of a few foals that stare disappointedly at their coach's announcement. "Hey now." Lazuli gave them a smirk. "Don't get upset. All great things eventually come to their end."

But the end is also a start to something new. Lazuli found Bud and her cheerleading foals amongst the crowd.

Artemis gave spirited pumps with his pom-poms as Nebula morbidly followed suit with her brother's thrust. The energy in the colt was so vast that he began to steal attention from Lazuli's announcement. Lazuli grinned at the spectacle. There's never a dull moment with those two around.

These past months she shared with the foals has pushed her to confront things about herself that never thought she dared to

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These past months she shared with the foals has pushed her to confront things about herself that never thought she dared to. They've also given her a glimpse of a future that used to seem like a fantasy in her dreams. A family of her own...

Lazuli coughed into her hoof and continued. "You ponies have all been amazing today. But in our last event, you're going to have to place your faith a select few ponies." The field suddenly shook by a loud cheer from Artemis who dangled his pom-pom high above him. Bud nervously smiled at the staring ponies as she pulled in her energetic colt. "Loving the enthusiasm," Lazuli chuckled. "But maybe wait till I finish, okay?"

The colt nodded and rested his pom-pom on his belly. His sister crawled in their mother's grasp and used her mother's hoof to mask her face. Oh wow. Don't tell me she's embarrassed?

On one side, Lazuli really wanted to bank on this as payback from their card games. But then there's another where she wanted to pick her up and hide her from the watchful mass. It was a strange thought to the mare. She knew very well that Nebula would bite her, but even that didn't feel like an issue. Weird.

"Okay." Lazuli clapped her hooves. "It's time for each team to huddle up one last time. Let's get things in motion."

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