01 A Hopeless End

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A moment within that space felt like an eternity. Round and round they saw the same stars and planets sprinkled in that dark void. For so long they have endured the vast confines of this stale sight that was their prison.

They resolved to wait, however long was left, to plot their vengeance to perfection. The spell their sister cast would not hold them forever. However, the decades within their prison had bored their minds. So much so that it slowed, drifting off as if they were hibernating from the staleness of their predicament.

They would find comfort when the sunlight no longer pierced their skin, finding solace within the darkness. Despite the frigid space chilling her skin, the alicorn found it more endearing compared to the ball of fire. However, the alicorn could not calm herself within the silence. The disquiet would disturb the cadence in her lungs.

Her eyes opened yet again to the planet she called home, afar by thousands of miles from this colorless rock. Seeing it so far from touch for so long saturated her with longing.

"How long have we been here Luna," the feeble alicorn whispered, careful not to crack her long unused voice. A moment of the usual silence passed without a response. The rhythm of her lungs hastened. "Luna," she repeated. "L-Luna?" Her voice became hoarse.

So thou has awakened? The alicorn heard a yawn from her companion. Her tail slightly swished at the sound of the voice. Pray tell you do not desire me to humor you again? I refuse to demean myself further than a doll of my own shadow.

The alicorn strained at the thought. Most of their talks would be of the past before their failed transgression against their sister. Luna would constantly talk about what she remembered from the nights alone where no pony would dare tread even with her protection. She expressed how bothersome it was to be unappreciated for her hard labors.

But the alicorn only wanted to discuss the future, not the past. She wanted to be motivated at their next chance to claim Equestria. To dawn the moon upon the lands, never to be desecrated any longer by the sun.

But at least their talk rid of the constant silence.

"That can be...arranged if you choose to ignore me again." The alicorn threatened Luna, but a sigh from her companion noted she was unfazed. The alicorn grinned. "Now," the alicorn continued. "As I was saying, how long have we been here?"

Thou seem different. Have the centuries left you unnerved?

"Just answer the question," the alicorn added more volume to her voice.

I'm not certain how long anymore. Luna answered. And frankly, I believe it matters not any longer. The alicorn rose her body after many decades of stillness. Her eyes widened at the trouble the feeble gravity of space was giving her to prop herself up. A numbing pain circulated through the bones of her legs from the small weight of her body.

"It was your task to count the years Luna," the alicorn hissed with a low voice, trying not to crack her voice again. "I demand to know how much longer I must endure this lackluster thing your sister calls a prison. That despicable cretin will experience as much pain as I have endured here. Perhaps even more."

Pain you say. The alicorn heard a rise in Luna's voice. Does thou stir feelings besides your anger and ego after all this time?

"I deserve this anger Luna," the alicorn raised her voice again, though a strain in throat followed. She bit down her lip to hold in the whimper.

I presume one of us could. Luna said in a monotone voice. It lacked the energy from her earlier.

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