28 The Bloom of Lazuli (6/7)

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"From then on," Lazuli continued. "I tried to be a better friend to her. I wanted to do everything I can to keep that bond we had."

"So that need of approval you had for your father was shifted to Bud?" Leaf asked.

"Pretty much," Lazuli nodded. "But Bud didn't want that from me. She wanted me to be comfortable with who I was. But that's when I realized that I didn't know who I was. Who am I if I'm not an ace? What is it that I want for myself?"

"So she opened you to a whole other conundrum then, huh?" Leaf chuckled. "It seems you can't catch a break, huh?"

"Yeah, but she was really helpful in getting me to figure it out. It was when she decided to invite me to the daycare center. Teaching those foals how to play sports made me realize how much of a knack I had in coaching. That's when I came to decide to become a coach, to bring the best out of ponies. It was one of the best things to happen to me. Also one of the most traumatic."

"Huh? Why traumatic?"

"I met Bud's mother. And I'll tell ya that she wasn't all that excited to meet her daughter's bully."

"Well, it seems that your relationship with Hope is okay now. So at least this tale has a happy ending."

"I guess," Lazuli blankly looked at her coffee on the table. "I mean, I didn't deserve all the kindness that Bud gave to me, but she did so anyway. But after having her deal with all of that hurdle, do you think it's right for me to feel this way about her? Do I even deserve her?"

"Are you sure you're not just overthinking this?"

"I don't know. But I can't find it in me to just tell her how I feel. But I also don't want to lose her. When Bud had those foals, I was really supportive of her like the good friend I wanted her to see me as. But was also terrified that some creature had stolen her away from me. Heck, I'm still scared now."

"Love is so chaotic," Leaf sighed. "But if it means anything, I do believe you may have a chance with her."

"Really?" Lazuli awed at Leaf. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, as we know, Bud has made no effort to involve this mysterious thestral with the foals. Chances are that it was a "one-time" thing for this creature."

"You better not be calling Bud easy," Lazuli glared at the stallion.

"Of course not," Leaf refuted. "My point is that there is no other pony that is involved with the foals with Bud as much as you. You are practically the closest thing she relies on to help her. Going by her strong desire for motherhood, that would mean a lot to her, wouldn't it?"

"I don't follow. Where are you going with this?"

"Ask. Her. Out." Leaf spelled it out for her. "If there's any pony she would have an affinity for, it would most likely be you."

"But she only sees me as a friend Leaf," Lazuli countered.

"And that won't change unless you make your feelings known to her."

"You say it like it's an easy thing to do."

"I wouldn't know," Leaf admitted. "But I do know that this is your only option for a future with her."

"...I'll...try, but not unless you make your feelings known to Passion."

"By Celestia, why are you trying to drag me into this nonsense!? I've already told you that I have no intention of participating."

"Those are my terms Leaf," Lazuli crossed his hoof. "Either that or nothing."

"You do realize I have nothing to gain from this, right?"


"..." Leaf Clip let out a sigh. "Fine, if this is the only way then I will make things clear to Passion."

"We're....we're really going to do this?"

"I think it's for the best that we don't prolong our problems. We all need our closure, don't we?"

"—" Lazuli dawned her eyes upon the sleeping colt. His head craned back upon Lazuli's pectoral as a trail of slobber trailed down his chin. Lazuli grabbed for a napkin and wiped the mess off of him. The colt's snout then wiggled as his mouth suddenly suckled upon Lazuli's hoof.

"Mama," the colt mumbled.

Lazuli widened her eyes at the word of the colt. Were those words meant towards her or was it from whatever was going in his mind? Either way... "I'll get mine. But I'm going for a happy ending."

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