17 Tenure Grace (1/2)

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"So what is it you need for us to discuss Ms. Loving," Hawk Inkwell began as he sat before Bud's desk in her classroom. Bud had cleared her desk fo papers and binders, removing every little thing in between them. She was still anxious about confronting him, but as Raven's teacher and friend, she needs to do all she can to help her student.

Moments ago, Bud had requested a conference with Hawk Inkwell when he arrived at the academy to pick up Raven. Hawk seemed stoic of her request, leading her to believe that he knew what the matter would be about. Bud took some appreciation that he didn't view her as a naive fool, however; this is not a moment of pleasantries.

Bud's co-worker, Leaf Clip, elected himself to keep Raven company at the teacher's office while they have their talk. Bud had to reassure her anxious student that everything would be fine in the end. Despite how nervous she is herself, she is determined to make that so for her precious student.

"I think we both know what this is about," Bud said.

"Let's presume that I do not. Address the matter that concerns and I shall respond accordingly," Hawk lifted his hoof to briefly glance at his watch. Bud's eyes twitched at the lax manner that Hawk was displaying. Perhaps he does think little of her. "But let's make this brief; Raven has a piano session that she must attend within an hour."

Bud took a deep breath before she spoke, "Mr. Inkwell, as you already know, I left Manehattan last weekend to see my cousin's wedding. You were conveniently around to place your daughter under my care until she was with her relatives at Poniyvile. Except, there were no relatives living at Ponyville."

Hawk quietly took in Bud's words, lacking any display of frustration or any sort of responding emotion against her claim. He still appeared calm and collected as if he is not aware of the wrong he had committed. If that's going to be the case, then Bud decided to get to the point.

"Mr. Inkwell," Bud continued. "Was there a reason why you deceived me about your daughter's relatives?"

Hawk closed his eyes and sighed before he finally answered, "I figured you would find little issue with it due to your attachment to my daughter; however, I will apologize for my dishonesty. Regardless of my intentions, it was wrong of me to place you under my ploy."

Bud widened her eyes; she didn't expect to get an immediate apology form this stallion. And here she thought she was going to have to butt heads with him to get a direct apology...or maybe, he's just feeding her words she wants to hear just so she will get off his case.

"Why did you find it necessary to lie to me?" Bud asked. "I wouldn't have no issue providing shelter for Raven at Ponyville if you asked."

"It served as insurance in case if you were reluctant to go along with the arrangement. I did not want to lose the chance to have you and Raven to bond with each other."

"So that Raven can become acquainted with Celestia," Bud added.

"Ah," Hawk grinned. "You're more perceptive than I accounted for. You are correct, my intention was indeed to have Raven use you to gain access to Princess Celestia. Word has spread that Celestia plans to enroll your son, Artemis, under her apprenticeship. I imagine my daughter would receive a promising favor from our Princess if Raven serves as an important figure to your son."

"Was that why she was so fixated on my son?" Bud shook her head. That's not what matters at the moment. "No, I can accept this. Mr. Inkwell, I will need you to refrain from using my family as some sort steppingstone for Raven's future."

"I'm afraid I must decline on that request," Hawk answered.

"I'm not asking Mr. Inkwell," Bud reflexively leered at him.

"I understood the implication," Hawk said. "But I refuse to stop when a golden opportunity like this is before me. My time is limited; I don't have room to falter on my decisions."

"What do you mean by limited?" Bud raised her brow. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"I'm not dying if that's what you're thinking," Hawk assured. "However, that doesn't eliminate the possibility that it could happen at any given moment."

"What? Why would you think that?"

"It's a thought that every pony has had at least once in their life. For me, it's every day and every hour of my life."

"But why?"

"That's a very personal question to ask Ms. Loving."

"And you have crossed personal boundaries when you tried to use my son," Bud retorted.

"I did not expect for you to be this bold," Hawk admitted. "Anything then, if that's the case, then I will share my reasoning."

Bud sat up with the utmost attention to what will come next out of Hawk's mouth.

"After my wife passed away," Hawk began. "Raven became lost and so depressed when she was no longer with us. I struggled for months to pick up her pieces to bring back the smile on my daughter's face. But then I realized that I will eventually be gone as well. If I'm not here, who will be left to pick her back together in my stead? And also, who will prepare her for the world if I'm not here to guide her? So, before that happens, I need to do everything I can to make her strong and wise. Stronger than myself if possible. I can't die before I know for certain that she will be okay without me."

"But what about her foalhood?" Bud asked. "Don't you think you're putting a lot of pressure on her with all these expectations and sessions?"

"I suggest you refrain from telling me how to raise my child Ms. Loving," Hawk retorted with a hint of poison she found unexpecting. "You are still new to the ordeal of being a parent, so I suggest you think well on what you aim for your own foals before giving any criticism to any pony else. Now, is there anything else you would like for us to discuss?"

"...No," Bud sighed. "That will be all."

Hawk rose and said, "Good evening then." On that note, Hawk Inkwell left Bud alone in her classroom.

Bud exhaled loudly as she dropped her face to the desk. She knew there would be some heavy tensions, but she didn't think she would have to pull so much mental fortitude out of herself. Well, she does find him a bit intimidating. But those last words of his really wavered her. "What I want for my foals, huh?"

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