24 Lies and Deceit (1/3)

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"Luna's decision to integrate a race of creatures none had ever seen into Equestria was a groundbreaking course that not I or even my three grandmothers had considered," Celestia continued her tale. Bud noticed how intrigued the other mares were of a history they never knew existed, but she on the other hoof was befuddled by the contents of Celestia's story. "She managed to convince us to accept the thestrals into Equestria and we tried to accommodate them to Everfree. Though I am afraid ponies were much too fearful of their carnivorous taste and their unique features."

"You speak quite fondly of this Luna," Beryl spoke. "It is astonishing that this is the first time I am hearing of this mare."

"Yes," Velvet added. "Luna appears to be a special pony. Especially if she is your first student. And to have the ability to enter the dreams of others. How have I not heard of her?"

"Luna is a delicate subject that I do not feel comfortable sharing with ponies," Celestia confessed. "Her labor to unite the thestrals with ponies did not end the way as she hoped. I did not want that to be a part of her legacy."

"There is no legacy to speak of if she is not remembered, Princess," Beryl said.

"I realize that," Celestia admitted. "However her ties to the thestrals are much too strong to conceal. I fear that any scholar could unravel the truth of her if they looked hard enough."

"Well I assure you, Princess," Beryl responded. "None of us shall disclose her secrets to the public." Her words were followed by the nods and confirmation of the other mares.

"I thank you," Celestia said. "I have my reasons for hiding this from ponies. But to spark a genuine friendship with the six of you, I feel I must be open to some of my secrets."

"Thou honors me with your trust," Cloudy Quartz nodded. "But on the topic of thestrals, where did this race reside in Everfree?"

"There was a cave that Luna and I selected for them to take shelter in. It lied only a few miles from Everfree for us to serve food and garments to restore their strength."

"I wonder what kind of work the thestrals did," Pear wondered. "I'm sure they worked themselves hard to make things work in Equestria."

"The thestrals served me as the royal night guards. The thestrals are nocturnal creatures, serving well to patrol the nights and keep Luna company."

"Princess," Beryl started. "Just to play the devil's advocate, are the thestrals' reason for no longer being citizens of Equestria tied to Luna's fate?"

"That is quite the bold question," Celestia said. "How did you come to this idea?"

"Forgive me if this sounds harsh, but based upon your story, it would seem the thestrals became dependent upon Luna. After all, she did rescue them. I would think they would return her kindness by protecting her home as the night guard they became. However, if something happened to her, or worse if they had done something to her..."

"Oh no, they would never do anything to Luna," Celestia assured. "They loved her more than any pony. Possibly more than I did. There would rarely be a moment when you would see Luna without the thestrals. The reason she is not mentioned is due to her ties with Equestria when she decided to leave her homeland."

"She left Equestria," Pear wondered. "Why'd she do that?"

"Despite my assistance in helping Luna to unite the thestrals with my ponies, they held too much distrust of the thestrals. Ponies of that time were much too fearful of the unknown and I fear her irritation in them drove her away along with the thestrals."

"That's so tragic," Velvet voiced. "I can't imagine the pain of a beloved friend drift away from me."

"I can..." Pear mumbled.

"It is a pain that I still endure," Celestia admitted. "She was my first student; I daresay my first friend. My first real friend."

"I am sorry that you had to bear such a pain," Sabah voiced. "I can only hope that you can find assurance in our friendship. I believe our bond will last quite a long time."

"Yes," Celestia smiled. "I would like that very much."

"...Why is she making these lies?" Bud wondered in her mind. She had remained silent of Celestia's story, anxious to point out a slight flaw to its contents. No, it was a big flaw. A key fact that questions much of what she has said.

Bud also held a growing concern as her daughter leered at Celestia from Princess's hold. "Please Nebula," Bud anxiously hoped in her thoughts. "Don't do anything rash."

No, she can't risk it. Her daughter is much too stubborn and disturbingly prone to violence. "Um," Bud started. "Princess Celestia."

"Hm," Celestia along with the other mares looked to Bud. "Yes, Loving Bud."

Bud had made a terrible error in distracting the Princess. Nebula had borne a blank face as Celestia rubbed her forehead, but Bud could tell that her daughter was seething with unyielding rage. And at the sudden moment when Celestia left her attention for Bud, Nebula made her vengeful strike.








The mares widened in shock at the thestral filly after sinking her teeth upon the Princess's hoof. Nebula held her clutch upon Celestia, attempting to deepen her fangs into her.

"Oh my goodness," Bud placed her sleeping son aside and then rushed to grab Nebula. "I am so sorry about this!" Bud attempted to pull Nebula off of Celestia, but her stubborn daughter would not let her fangs off of the Princess.

"I-it's okay," Celestia tried to assure Bud, but she flinched at the shifting of Nebula's fangs. "I was made aware of her habit to bite others. It's my fault for not being careful."

At her breaking point with her daughter's stubbornness, Bud bit her daughter's ear. Nebula tried to dig deep into her rage to resist her mother's touch, but once again her body failed her. She let out her shameful squeaking voice and loosened her grip from Celestia.

The Princess's hoof quickly became soaked with her blood. Celestia raised her hoof to observe the wound. "My, this may stick around longer than I like."

"We must get that wound treated," Beryl urged. "Come, I'll guide you to the clinic."

"Ease your minds my ponies," Celestia voiced. "My life is no danger. I will simply wash my wound and bandage it. I can attend to it later. I would hate to end our picnic so suddenly."

"Are you sure that is wise Princess," Sabah asked. "You appear to be gushing quite the amount of blood."

"I appreciate the concern, but please trust that my body is more durable than you would expect. I will only be gone for a few moments. I promise it will not take too long."

"P-please allow me help," Bud nervously voiced as she held a strong grasp on her limp daughter. "This is my fault after all."

"You have nothing to feel at fault for. However, I shall accept your generosity."

"Thank you, Princess," Bud said. She then looked at Pear. "Pear could you watch my foals for me?"

"Don't you worry," Pear assured. "I'll keep my eyes on them like a hawk. I also got my chompers ready just in case."

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