19 First Day (2/2)

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"Are you sure you don't need any help," Hope asked Tenure Grace, who was staring under the couch.

"I assure you Ms. Hope," Grace said. "I have this under control."

"I know you mean it, but you've said that for nearly half an hour now. There's no shame in having a helping hoof, you know?"

Grace did not bother to reply to Hope's suggestion and focused on adjusting her eyes to find Artemis again. The colt has been moving about under the couch as if he was trying to conceal himself again. Due to his constant movement, Grace could not move the couch else risking harm to the little colt.

But he can't allow him to stay under the couch. She has no clue what's under there. There's possibly a well collection of dust there that could get the colt sick. She needs a solution to get him out as soon as possible.

"You know," Hope voiced again as she unwrapped Nebula from the soaked towel. "Arty happens to be a glutton for pineapples. I'm sure wavering a slice in front of him is all the motivation he needs to come out."

"Is that so?"

"How about I bring some," Hope offered. "I have a container I saved in the refrigerator." Hope briefly excused herself to the kitchen and brought back a small container of pineapples for Tenure Grace.

"Thank you," Grace awkwardly said as she retrieved the container from Hope. It's not often that Grace thanks the kindness of others, it's usually the other way around. Regardless, a possibility was opened to her and she was more than willing to take it.

Grace opened the lid of the container and presented its contents under the couch. "I hear that you like pineapples Artemis," Grace shifted to a doting voice that was a sheer contrast to her professional demeanor. "If you be a colt and come out, I'll give you a slice."

"Now why couldn't you have that voice from the beginning?"

"I believe Ms. Bud would be offended if I spoke to her like she was a foal." Grace can hear movement from under the couch, goading her to crouch down to make herself appear less intimidating to the colt. Relief washed over her when the colt finally emerged his head from the couch and carefully approached the container. "That's right Artemis, just a little bit closer."

Grace waited at the moment Artemis stuck his snout into the container before she picked up the distracted colt. Artemis flailed in alarm as he struggled to release himself from Tenure Grace's grasp. "Artemis," Grace voiced. "Please calm yourself. I am not here to hurt you."

Despite Grace's assurance, Artemis began to cry loudly. His sobbing was a genuine confusion to Grace. Why is this colt so afraid of her? The reports mentioned that Artemis is supposed to be the most trusting between the foals. Where is this fear coming from?

Grace, however, did not have time to concoct an answer when she heard Hope's voice, "Grace, duck!"

Grace's instincts blessed her with fast enough reaction to crouch in time to avoid a dark blur that passed over her head. Her sight adjusted to the couch, where the blur revealed to be Nebula. The small filly glared at Grace with cold bloodlust, instilling a semblance of fear into the grown mare. Much to her surprise, Artemis seized the moment to leap from Grace's loosened grip and retreat back under the couch.

"You have committed a grave sin that can never be forgiven," Nebula leered at Grace. "Your only redemption now is to be smitten for your disgusting conduct toward Luna!"

"Nebula," Hope voiced. "Easy there. You don't want to do that."

Grace was at a loss of what to do here. She didn't expect this filly to be this antagonistic toward her. If Grace had been successful in gaining the trust of Artemis as she planned, this wouldn't have happened.

"Ms. Hope," Grace said. "If you're still in a charitable mood, I would appreciate if you could inform me on how to calm her."

"I really think your best option is to get behind me," Hope said.

A pleasing option, but counterintuitive to what she needed to achieve. She can't muddle things on her first day. She needs to establish herself to Bud of being the reliable mare that she is. She'll just need to think calmly and—

Grace fell on her back when Nebula suddenly dashed her. Grace moved her back on the couch as she watched Nebula leer at her from the ceiling.

"Nebula," Hope called for her. "Get down from there." Her granddaughter responded with a hiss as she displayed her fangs to both of them.

"Nebula wouldn't also have an affinity for pineapples, would she?" Hope did not have time to answer when Nebula swooped down at a speed Grace did not expect. Grace could only defensively raise her forehooves and yelp when she felt a deep puncture into one of them. Grace yelped again when Nebula quickly bit another portion of her hoof.

"Nebula," Hope hissed as she rushed to grab the filly. Expecting Hope's reaction, Nebula did something that neither could have possibly expected. Nebula leaped into the shade on the floor and disappeared into it with a brief ripple following behind her.

Hope and Grace stood in shock at what they had just witnessed. A baby filly just disappeared from them in the most unnatural way they have ever seen, however, it didn't take long for Grace to snap out of her shock. Nebula is most likely looking for another opening to strike her again. And Grace is fairly certain that the filly was aiming for her neck in her previous attempts.

"Perhaps I should wait for Nebula to calm herself," Grace did not wait for a response from Hope as she power-walked into Bud's room and closed it before her.

When she felt somewhat safe, she examined the bite marks on each of her hooves. Neither of them seemed serious, however, if they were an inch or two longer, she may of punctured into her bones. Things may turn out bad if Nebula retains this behavior when she grows older. She could tell that Nebula was simply being protective of Artemis, but this reaction would be unacceptable in their society.

Well, all she can do now is to wait for Hope calm Nebula for her. She'll need to be more cautious in her next approach. If Artemis is going to be scared of her then she'll need to show the colt that he can think otherwise. That way, Nebula will—

Grace's thoughts halted when she perked to an odd sound behind her. It sounded like a constant crackling of bones that become louder with each passing second. She reflexively turned from the door and again witnessed something she never would have expected to see today.

A jet-black figure emerged out of Grace's shadow. A mixture of crackling and snarls emitted from the figure that looked to be dissolving fragments of its liquid-like skin. But those features were not what demanded her attention. It was its sharp slit eyes. Those baleful cerulean eyes that glared at her with the intention to eradicate her from existence.

"What have I gotten myself into," Grace thought as the figure made its first step to Grace.

You shall receive penance.

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