16 A Different Approach

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Princess Celestia patiently sat on her throne at the night of Canterlot, waiting for her daily report to poof before her. And when the scroll finally appeared, Celestia immediately opened the scroll and keenly read through its contents.

During her reading, the large door of her throne room opened. Emerging from it came her personal assistant, Sunset Spice, who let out a sigh after noting her activity. "I figured you would be here."

"Good Evening Spice," Celestia continued to read the scroll. "I thought you would have already resigned for the night. Is there a matter you wish to discuss with me?"

"Is it not our ritual to give are regards before going our separate ways?" Spice approached the steps to the throne chair where Celestia lied. "I was expecting to find you in your bedroom at this hour, but I see that you here yet again."

"I don't recall having a curfew," Celestia briefly rose her eyes from the scroll to meet Spice's before returning to the scroll. "But I presume that's not the matter you wish to discuss."

"Princess," Spice started. "I need to inform you that I will be late for work tomorrow to attend to the needs of my fiancé. She has recently told me that she's been feeling kicks from the baby and would like to visit the hospital to receive an x-ray vision of the baby."

"She's getting kicks already?" Celestia rose her brow while keeping her eyes on the scroll. "How many months is she again?"

"We do not know where we...uh...got reckless. Therefore, we can't pinpoint how long she is due. Which is why we need to check the condition of our baby."

"Then you are excused for tomorrow. I can handle one day without my assistant. Be sure to tell Sabah Glow that I give my regards."

"Thank you, princess." A moment of silence enveloped the room as Spice remained before Celestia as she finished reading through the scroll.

Princess Celestia sighed as she rolled the scroll and then poof it out of the room. Her eyes then dawned back to Spice, who she realized has yet to leave the vicinity. "Is there something else you wish to discuss?"

"Princess," Spice started. "Excuse my forwardness, but care to explain this odd obsession with this Loving Bud?"

"Perish the thought," Celestia said. "I assure you that there is no obsession to speak of."

"I find that impossible to believe princess," Spice retorted. "Not when you have two of our trained guards undercover to spy on this mare. It's very clear that you have a deep interest in her. Does it have something to do with her daughter? As I recall, you had identified the filly as a Thestral."

"I admit there are merits to your claim," Celestia said. "But trust me Spice, I know what I am doing."

"I'm afraid that won't do Princess Celestia," Spice refuted. "As your personal assistant, it is my duty to provide inputs in all of your decisions to ensure you make the wisest choice for yourself and all of Equestria. Now, I've tried to look into this subject about the Thestral race myself since you choose not to disclose information about them to me. However, I could not find any records to tell me anything concerning them. am I correct to assume that you do not wish for any pony to know about them?"

"I fear that you won't leave this alone," Celestia sighed. "Won't you?"

"I only wish to understand your intentions Celestia," Spice said. "How can I do my job as your assistant if you won't let me?"

Celestia averted her eyes to the moon, glancing at the shadow she regrettably made before she descended down the stairs of her throne to stand before Sunset Spice. "Amongst all of my ponies, you and most of my former assistants are the only ones that know about my sister. However, there is one important information that I have chosen to leave out."

"And that would be the Thestrals?" Spice guessed at which Celestia nodded to. "Please tell me, are they a concern to our safety?"

"That is a possibility," Celestia answered. "But I cannot say for certain since I never had the chance to learn their intention behind transforming my sister into Nightmare Moon. Although, it's not something I'm not so lenient to forgive regardless of the cause. Perhaps that's why they choose to elude me."

"I see, so you aim to use Loving Bud to meet this anonymous Thestral that she has partnered with. I'm guessing from the reports and your most recent, that they have still yet to detect him?"

"Their ability to turn invisible was always an issue to factor around. It's a natural ability of theirs that can't be detected with magic. But I figured that this Thestral would at least reveal himself in order to make contact with Loving Bud."

"No creature has seen the Thestrals for centuries based on what our allies have mentioned. I presume they are well adept in keeping themselves hidden from others."

"Have you been speaking with other creatures about this matter?" Celestia furrowed her brow.

"Yes, but only with the trusted ambassadors. The ones that know how to keep secrets. I hoped that they would possess relevant information about them, but they weren't even aware that Thestrals existed."

"Disappear long enough, then any creature can be considered as a myth. But please refrain from speaking about this matter with other creatures. I don't want to risk scaring the Thestrals away and lose this opportunity for another ten centuries."

"As you wish princess," Spice said. "But if finding the Thestral is proving to be an impossible task, then perhaps it's best to speak with Loving Bud."

"It would appear to be the case. When I first met her, she was at a fragile state. But perhaps now she has cleared her mind. The only issue is that I don't want to overwhelm her with my presence."

"That itself may be an impossible task, princess."

"That won't do," Celestia tapped her chin. "I need her to feel safe and relaxed around me if I ever want her to tell me what I need to know."

"Well, the two of you could engage in outgoing activities. Maybe that could help."

"Yes," Celestia clapped her hooves. "That's it. A calm and relaxing activity where she would feel open to speak with me. I can host a picnic in my garden. And we can have a company that relates to her around us like the newest mothers of Equestria. Mothers like Sabah and perhaps Twilight Velvet."

"Wait," Spice held a hoof up. "You want to bring my fiancé into this?"

"Oh Spice, you should stop making an effort to elude Sabah from me. The two of us have the chemistry to become the best of friends."

"It's her sharing embarrassing information about me that I'm worried about! Come now princess, certainly, there are many other mares you have in mind?"

"I'm sorry Spice, but this is your princess's order. In the coming days, I shall host a picnic for the latest mothers of Equestria."

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