27 The Bud of Summer (3/4)

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"Why're asking me?" I asked a teacher from my literature class. He came upon me after the bell rang and my classmates made their way out of the classroom. His lessons were a complete bore to me. So much so that it would put me to sleep. I happened to make the mistake of sleeping near the end of class and was completely deaf to the bells to cue my leave. The teacher must've held my classmates off from waking me since I noticed nopony but him around when he prodded me awake.

He was indifferent about my deed. Not surprising since I have a track record for this in his class. He would often punish me by giving me extra homework, but I had ways of getting others to do it for me. However, that stallion thought to be more innovative that day.

"Lazuli," said the stallion teacher. "The drama club is in need of flower decorations for the stage. They made a request from the gardening club to grow the quantities they needed. I need you to go there and pick it up for the club.."

I was quick to voice my outrage about the task. That teacher knew I had to meet up with my team after his class to make preparations for the upcoming match with Cloudsdale.

"I cannot abide by this disrespectful behavior you have towards my class," the stallion said. "You may be the star athlete of the school, but do not forget that you are a student first and firstmost. You are here to learn. If you don't want me to turn you into an errand filly for the school, then I suggest you start treating your class more seriously."

"Fine, It won't happen again," I groaned.

"Good, then once you've finished your task, I'm trusting you to make a change in your habits."

"What? But I can't—"

"You've been given your task Lazuli," the stallion said as he packed his belongings into his saddlebag and made his way for the exit. "I suggest you hurry if you don't want to fly late for the match."

I looked at him incredulously as he left the classroom. If I wasn't so worried about my reputation, I would've slug right then and there. He should thank Celestia that it would've been a bad move for me. But still, "...Seriously!"

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