22 Mother Moon 6 (2/3)

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The garden was like a rainbow jungle; colorful, exotic flowers that Bud has never seen in her life were blooming all around her as they soothed her with their calming scents. The guard guided the three mares into an opening within the garden that revealed the pony that brought them here.

Along with three mares, Princess Celestia acknowledges their presence and waved at them. "You have come," the Princess said. "Please, come join us."

She and other mares were seated above a lucrative blanket that covered most of the opening. Bud's party took their seat as Bud observed the other mares with Celestia.

One was a lighter gray than Cloudy Quartz that held a white baby colt between her hindlegs. She was doting her colt that seemed adamant to leave out of the mare's hold.

Another was pure white that appeared prim and proper with her delicate chignon mane style and fancy scarf that loomed around her neck. A baby white colt incessantly flailed for her attention as the mare appeared more than willing to nuzzle the needy colt.

The last was an orange mare that made Bud a bit uncomfortable due to her locked attention upon Bud.

"I thank you for humoring me by coming here," Princess Celestia began. "I know that this is rather inconvenient given the short time you received your invitation."

"Your apology is not needed Princess," Cloudy Quartz said as she unfastened her filly out of the strap and held her between her hindlegs. "I am honored thou seek my presence."

"Yeah," Pear added. "I'm actually excited about this."

"You and I both," the orange mare, Sabah Glow, agreed.

"Well then," Celestia smiled at her ponies' vigor. "Perhaps we should begin with introductions."

"I'll start then," said the light gray mare. "Hello everyone, my name Twilight Velvet. I happen to live here at Canterlot and work as an editor. Are any of you familiar with a literary journal called"The Noble Review"? That's the group I work I for. I read all sorts of fictions, essays, and poetry sent from ponies all across Equestria to publish in our monthly issues."

"I say," said the white mare. "I must ask for the opportunity to read the works that weren't published. I find it most enjoyable to read the interesting thoughts and imaginations that ponies can brew."

"I see you are an advent subscriber of our journal," Velvet said.

"Absolutely," the white mare confirmed. "Anything to unveil me to the culture and minds of other ponies."

"So, you work for a magazine company," Pear said. "That's nice."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it that," Velvet said. "But I suppose there are similarities."

"And who's the shy fellow using you as a hiding place?" Pear noted the white colt that crouched upon his mother's leg when he noticed the attention from Pear.

"He's my son, Shining Armor." Velvet petted her son. "You'll have to forgive him, he's not used to attention from other ponies besides me and his father."

"Well he's certainly a cutie," Pear chuckled.

"He'll certainly make a cute guard like his father," the white mare commented.

"You think my husband is cute?" Velvet raised a brow.

"Your husband is Night Light, yes?" The white made said. "I've happened to bear witness to some of his missteps in my younger days. And my he certainly made a spectacle of them."

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