20 Connection between Light and Dark (4/4)

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Grace heavily sighed after finally reaching back to her house. The journey back home proved to be more difficult than the overbearing lesson she endured from her teacher. Nebula had definitely punctured deep into Grace's hooves to make it such a problem for her to walk back home. Yes, she had aide form a taxi, but the pain that aroused so acutely from slight pressure was all so annoying.

Grace shimmied the saddlebag off of her to the floor and trudged her way to her room. She wanted nothing more to sleep right now. However...

"You're back early," Grace heard a familiar voice she preferred not to deal with at the time, or ever for that matter. Again, she found the warden conspicuously on her couch despite providing new locks to her door to prevent this. Who was she kidding? This stallion was always going to find way in here.

"My services were no longer required for the rest of the day. The foals were fast asleep before I left."

"I see," the warden said. "And what progressions have you made from this?"

"The grandmother trusts me," Grace said. "But the foals will need more time to adjust to my presence. Apparently, they are fearful of me. Well, one of them is."

"That sounds like an issue you should quickly resolve," the warden said. "The boss will not show mercy if you fail this task."

"Why are you always so doubtful of my performance?" Grace retorted. "I know firsthoof what the boss does to ponies that fail him. I have no intention of getting on his bad side. I just need to approach them with baby steps."

"Baby steps you say," the warden raised his brow. "And does those steps explain the wound you have on your hooves?"

"As a matter of fact it does," Grace answered. "You should already know from the reports how Nebula is prone to bite others."

"Whatever," the warden swatted his hoof. "As long as the job is done, I don't care if you lose those hooves. Now, is there anything else you care to report?"

"...No, that's all I have to give."

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