15 (1/2) Our Choice

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The now married couple leaving by a chariot was like a cliché ending to a fairy tale, but still wholesome regardless. Gossamer had mentioned that the two would be heading to their honeymoon at Manehattan to see an annual festival taking place next week. Gossamer and Blueberry had assured the couple that they would keep business running at the Sugarcube Corner during their absence, so there was not much raise of concern.

Although, Bud would've found the end of this event to be more pleasant if some other mare caught Chiffon's flower bouquet. She already had more than enough attention from ponies as it is.

Bud and the others returned to the Sugarcube Corner for a small reception for the remaining guests. It's been a while since Bud seen the place packed, which made it inevitable for her to be the center of attention yet again. It was only a matter of time before the guests became aware of her Thestral daughter and their fascination sparked across them like a domino effect.

Almost immediately, Bud was bombarded with questions and requests to hold her foals. she wanted nothing more but to run away from paparazzi she called her friends and family; however, Mayor Mare stepped in and asked of the guests to respect Bud's privacy and space. Bud thanked her and then used this moment to excuse herself and her foals to another room.

When she entered the room, she discovered her student, Raven Inkwell, and Lazuli speaking with Gossamer. "You really think I have it in me," Lazuli spoke. "I mean, I've never really cooked anything besides a bowl of noodles."

"You shouldn't put yourself down like that," Gossamer said. "With practice, any pony can do well with anything they put their mind in. Especially with a helping hoof."

"Ms. Bud," Raven announced her teacher's presence. Lazuli jumped at the sigh of Bud and then quickly approached her.

"H-heya Bud," Lazuli made a meek smile. "Didn't think you'd be here so soon?"

"This room isn't off-limits Lazuli," Bud informed her. "I just need a break from the family before I head back...maybe. So, is Uncle Gossamer offering baking lessons?"

"What?" Lazuli questioned. "What makes you say that?"

"I'm always happy to share my culinary knowledge with anypony curious to learn," Gossamer said. "I happen to host a weekly class in baking for foals and ponies back at Fillydelphia."

"That's so generous of you," Bud said. "But won't they be saddened to miss class while you're here?"

"Perhaps so," Gossamer answered. "But they understand that my daughter takes more priority. Anyways," Gossamer glanced at Lazuli, who was taking solace in disappearing from the conversation. "What do you say Lazuli? Care to join my class at Fillydelphia whenever you have time? I can teach you how to make that blueberry pie you've been asking about."

"D-don't say that out loud," Lazuli hissed with a blush.

"Gossamer mentioned that it's one of your favorites," Raven voiced. "I would like to learn how to make one as well as a gratitude for bringing me here."

"Oh," Bud cooed. "That's so sweet of you guys."

"Yeah," Lazuli rubbed the back of her head. "What are friends for, right?"

"You've certainly made friends with caring ponies haven't you," Gossamer commented. "Well, I'll need to head back and check on the guest, but whenever you two are ready, I'm happy to share what I know."

Gossamer excused himself from the room and moments after he left, Bright enter3ed the room with Little Mac sleeping in his hoof. "Bud," Bright said as he strode before her. "Glad I found you."

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