06 (2/2) Check-Up

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"You sure this is fine," Lazuli felt uncomfortable as she held the stoic filly. "Cause I'm not really okay with this."

"Don't worry Ms. Lazuli," Doctor Dime assured her as he wiped swab cotton dampened with alcohol on filly's foreleg. "This won't hurt her as much as you think." After disposing of the cotton, the doctor held a syringed needle that he slowly inserted to the filly.

The filly flinched for only a moment but braved through irritable sensation. Doctor Dime slowly pulled back the plunger of the syringe, drawing only a small volume of her blood into the transparent casing. He stopped with only a tenth of the syringe filled and removed the needle from the filly.

"Wow," Lazuli was enamored of the filly's bravado. "You're a tough one."

"Know that I do this to comprehend my condition," the filly said. "So, don't patronize me with irrelevant compliments." When she did hear a response or reaction from the mare the filly sighed, "Right, that oaf you assumed as my so-called-mother is the only one who can hear me."

"She took it rather nicely," Passion commented at seat leaning the wall. The newborn colt was still fast asleep as Passion snugged him close to keep him warm.

"Infants have yet to fully develop their nervous systems," Doctor Dime said as he squirted the filly's blood into a small test tube on his desk and disposed of the syringe in a trash.

After receiving approval from Bud, Passion and Lazuli volunteered to take her foals to the doctor's office where Doctor Dime would perform a round of check-ups on them. The first he wanted to do was draw blood samples of the foals to test for any abnormalities.

Passion was cautious of the woke filly, so Lazuli was left to carry the filly. Lazuli honestly wanted to keep her friend company at Bud's room, but Bud was oddly explicit about keeping an eye to the filly. Lazuli was confused about the warning, but if her friend wanted her chaperone the strange filly, then that's all that matters.

"Now for the colt," Doctor Dime said as he pulled out another syringe.

The small filly tapped on Lazuli's pectoral for her attention. The filly swayed her head left and right to indicate her to stop the doctor. But instead, Lazuli glanced confused at the filly's action. "What is it?"

"Stop him you brute," the filly shouted. "Mine will suffice for now." Her words came deaf as Passion brought the colt to the exam table alongside her.

The doctor took out another swab of cotton from a container and dipped it in a small bottle of alcohol. "I said stop!" The filly attempted to flap her wings to the colt to protect him but restrained by Lazuli with her hooves around the filly.

"Why are you making a fuss? Chill out."

The filly saw the doctor with another syringe as he wiped alcohol on the colt's forehoof. The filly's wings flapped more wildly as she tried harder to loosen herself from the mare. But her efforts proved to be in vain. The filly gritted her teeth in rage and within her rage, she bit her fangs into Lazuli's hoof.

Lazuli yelped and pulled her hooves from the filly. Seeking her opportunity, the filly snatched the syringe the doctor and rose herself to a corner at the ceiling of the room.

"She bit me!" Lazuli shouted.
"Some pony get her!" Passion yelled as she ducked beneath the exam table and covered her head with her hooves.

Lazuli approached the filly that was glaring at her with intense animosity. "That's not a toy idiot." Unfazed by the filly, Lazuli flew to her and extended her hooves to grab her. The filly however expected this and evaded beneath the mare and flew to another corner at the ceiling.

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