24 Lies and Deceit (2/3)

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The bathroom of the royalty was indeed something to behold. Ranging wide and tall, the bathtub within this room resembled more of a large pool than what common ponies would have. The life of the privileged is open to a bountiful of pleasures.

Celestia ran a showerhead over her wounded hoof as it streamed the blood off of her coat. An excessive amount of her blood funneled in the drain.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the clinic?" Bud's voice echoed into the room.

"Trust me Loving Bud," Celestia assured. "I know my body well. A rinse and bandage will suffice. Besides, the castle nurse will only sputter in shock and have me sent to the hospital over this flesh wound." Celestia noted the concern in Bud's eyes and then added, "But I promise to get checked after our picnic."

"Mm," Bud anxiously nodded.

"I must say, your daughter is already showing promise as a hunter. I did mention how adept thestrals are as predators, did I?"

"Yes Princess," Bud agreed.

"..." Celestia paused at Bud's brief words. Once her wound was rinsed, Bud began wrapping bandages she collected from the clinic around Celestia's wound. "Something appears to ail your mind Loving Bud. I am here to listen to your concerns if you like?"

"Oh...um..." Bud stopped herself as she appeared bewildered by Celestia's observation. She shouldn't be so surprised, Celestia is her Princess after all. She has dealt with countless diplomacies, so of course, being observant of body language would be second nature to her.

Celestia sighed at Bud's hesitance. "I should've known one day would not be enough. It would seem my status continues to arise as an issue to our friendship. Loving Bud, I--"


"Why? What do you mean?"

Bud took a deep breath and then finished wrapping the bandages onto Celestia's hoof. She then took a step back and looked at her Princess in the eyes. If Bud was going to do this, then she can't remain timid about this. "Why did you lie about Luna being your student?"

A chilling silence brewed between the two before the Princess finally responded. "I assume you learned of this from your partner, am I correct?"

"I..." Bud was again filled with hesitance. There is no partner to speak of besides the remnant stone that is embedded inside her. But if she told her that, then she would risk revealing the identity of her children.

"You are not fully correct Loving Bud," Celestia continued as she teleported a towel to dry her coat and bandage. "I didn't lie when I said I served as a teacher to her. Despite how passionate she was, Luna was a bit of a slow learner. I would always be far ahead of her in our studies under Starswirl and I would have to provide tutor to prevent her from lagging behind me. But she wasn't just a student of mine. She is also my sister."

"So, it was a...half-truth? But why do that?"

"I imagine it wouldn't take long for ponies to realize that sister became Nightmare Moon. She and I are the only alicorns that have ever existed after all. I refuse to soil her name because of the terrible decisions she and I made."

"W-what terrible decision?"

"You would like for me to lay out all of my cards then?"

"I just want the truth Princess," Bud blurted.

"I see," Celestia nodded. "That's fair. Perhaps being upfront now will save us from future strains in our friendship." Celestia teleported the towel away. "As I have said Luna is my sister. Both of us are granddaughters of the first rulers of Equestria and reigned as Princesses together over Equestria. I was to guide lands during the day, and she during the night."

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