29 Let's Talk (4/4)

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"Guys, we're back," Bud happily announced as she pushed a stroller into the living room of her apartment. "I just got the most wonderful news from the doctor. He said that Nebula is...is...why do you two look so glum?"

Bud was bewildered by the two adult mares that bore a glum gaze toward Artemis, who was gingerly sliding cards to the two on the living room table.

"Um," Bud started as she picked Nebula from the stroller. "Are you guys okay?"

Before either could respond Nebula leaped out of her mother's hold and pounced upon Artemis. The cards spattered out of Artemis's hold and sprinkled across the table and floor.

"Luna," Nebula voiced. "It has been too long since we have held each other. We must never let this happen again!"

Bud instinctively approached her foals but then stopped when she noticed Artemis was giggling at Nebula's sudden affection. Nebula really needed this, so she resigned to leave the two to their own device. Besides, she needed to figure out what's going on with the two mares.

"Lazuli," Bud prodded her hoof on Lazuli's back. "Is everything alright with you?"

"I lost..." Lazuli whispered.

"Lost? Lost what?"

"Are we sure that this is really a colt?" Grace voiced with a tinge of irritation. "Him bearing a ridiculous pool of magic is one thing. But for him to bear such luck and calculation is beyond absurd. My pride won't take this."

"I-I don't understand what you're talking about," Bud voiced. "What did Artemis do?"

"That—" Lazuli swiped the cards that Artemis gave her off the table. "That colt beat us in every card game we've played. At first, I chalked as dumb luck, but now I'm thinking that that colt is a genius in disguise. He's a baby foal for Celestia's sake! How am I losing to a baby!?"

"I can't let this stand," Grace said. "None of this makes sense. I had so much of the games in my favor and that colt took it all away from me like it was on a whim. I refuse to be played by a baby."

"Well," Bud awkwardly started. "As long as Artemis had fun, I think that's all that should matter. A-anyways, I have good news."

"Why is Nebula all clingy with Artemis," Lazuli asked. "I thought she was still sick?"

"That's the thing," Bud said. "Doctor Dime said that Nebula is all better now."

"Well, that's a shame," Grace voiced. "I liked that filly more when she was more lethargic."

"Better hope she doesn't bite you for saying that," Lazuli chuckled. "You know that little filly can hold a grudge, right?"

"Yes," Grace sighed. "I'm well aware of that more than any pony else. But don't write yourself off. She has her records of biting you as well."

"Yeah, but I'm more a challenge for her."

"Must you make everything a competition," Grace chuckled.

"Wow," Bud's eyes sparkled. "I can't believe you two are finally getting along. I'm so proud of you two."

"I can't help but think that you're placing us as foals," Grace complained.

"Whatever," Lazuli sprawled to her back. "Since you're back I guess you can go back to having Artemis all to yourself now, right?"

"Well," Bud started. "Nebula and I do miss having Artemis with us."

"Welp, it was fun while it lasted. I didn't think I would enjoy myself as much as I did having the little colt around so much."

"He just has a way of putting a smile on others," Bud said.

"Well," Grace voiced. "Right now he has me questioning my own intelligence."

"Is it really that bad?" Bud wondered. "It's just a game."

"How about saying that after playing a few games," Grace challenged Bud. Her sudden rise in voice surprised her, compelling her to clamp her mouth before apologizing. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to sound so rude."

"No, no," Bud waved a hoof. "It's okay. I actually like seeing this side of you."

"So does that mean you're up for a few games with the small brain freak?" Lazuli asked.

"We're not calling him that," Bud said. "And yes, I don't mind. We can have Nebula play as well."

Lazuli and Grace's body perked up at the mention of Nebula playing. "I will not tolerate becoming a mockery by that filly," Grace stated.

"Something tells me that she would hold it over our heads." Lazuli said. "I'm not sure about this."

"If we're going to play," Bud said. "We're going to do it as a family. Which means every pony gets to play."

Grace crawled to Lazuli's side and whispered to her ear. "I believe the time is ripe to make use of our truce. We both know that we cannot allow that little devil to degrade us."

"Alright," Lazuli nodded. "Fine, but we only do this once."

Lazuli and Grace worked together to ensure that neither Artemis and Nebula could claim victory over them. However, in a game of blackjack, both of the foals bankrupted the two of them painfully quick of their chips. Bud was relieved that their game did not involve actual chips else they would have been in serious debts to her foals. And knowing Nebula, she would make it a living nightmare for the two of them.

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