03 (1/7) Vivid Dream

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Loving Bud emerged from the waters with a gasp. Hurriedly pulling herself to shore, she found herself between colorful flowers and dense clusters of trees that darkened within the distance. The atmosphere felt so unfamiliar here. Never would she imagine a place like this exists.

Her attention shifted to a faint glimmer from atop a hill nearby. It stood between the body of water she emerged from. Looming above it were large pink lily flowers that cast a curtain of light upon a blurry platform the light appeared atop.

To her luck, there was a path of large lily pads aligned towards that hill. Though she found it strange that such a convenient path by nature existed. But regardless, she was curious about the mysterious sparkle.

The light of the full moon brightened her path over the lily pads. She was thankful she would not risk dipping herself in the waters again, fearing she may not be so lucky to get out the next time. She was not the best of swimmers, definitely not like her friend, Summer Lazuli. That mare could be a pro swimmer if that was a legitimate sport in Equestria.

Her walk to the top of the hill led her to the platform that appeared to be a bed. A large thick leaf was sheeted atop a stump that was rolled up upon its ends to make pillows. A very unusual choice of design, but still tempting to nap upon.

She finally noticed a stone laid upon the center of the leaf. It was a translucent sphere with dim speckles of light, radiating and whirling around inside like a swarm of fireflies.

Bud wanted to hold it in her hooves for a closer look at the lights; however, when she did, the stone phased through her hoof as if it was never there, to begin with. She pulled her hoof back and then noticed the stone was no longer there.

"Huh," Bud was baffled. She felt around the leaf in hopes that it may have rolled off somewhere but felt nothing but the smooth surface of the leaf.

Does thou...stir feelings

Bud startled back. She swung her eyes aimlessly to trace the source of the sudden voice. All she could see however was a waterfall, still streaming glittering waters around the hill and also the full moon...which isn't to appear until two weeks from now.

"Am I...dreaming," Bud asked herself, but she now knew for certain she was. Of course, there's no way she would be here out somewhere no doubt far from Manehatten when she has a class of foals to teach in the next few hours. Or minutes.

Bud clapped her hooves on her cheeks. "Wake up, please. I really don't want to be late."


Her ears perked at the same voice. It made her uncomfortable. It sounded so monotone like it was relinquished of life.


Her eyes drew towards the moon. There appeared to be a small crack that wasn't there before, but before she could make sense of it, a sudden pain throbbed inside her.


Bud fell to the ground. She groaned at a burning sensation enveloping her insides. She can feel them shifting about as if something was trying to make space inside. Bud rubbed her stomach in an attempt to wane the pain, but her body only boiled hotter.

She glanced at her barrel, where the painful heat was most acute and noticed something odd. Those same dim lights. They were there, circulating inside and beaming their light through her lime coat.

Her head dropped to the grass nesting beneath her. She felt tired. Her body was burning. Yet she felt so tired. Her eyes shut to the dark. Her mind drifted and moment by moment, the pain finally began to fade.


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