32 Gathering Winds (3/4)

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"You know," Windy voiced as she glided a few yards above the ground. "When I was told that your friend's daughter was of another species, I honestly didn't know what to expect," Windy observed the filly, who was flying beside her.

The filly attempted maneuvers such as rolls and loops. Though the filly showed signs of difficulty, it was still astonishing to Windy to see such a young foal to perform these feats. Any pegasi her age would have already relented to the friction of the winds and diverged from their path a long time ago.

"Yeah..." Lazuli mumbled as she flew from Nebula's other side. While remaining vigilant of the ponies working below her, Lazuli attuned her eyes to Nebula's movements.

"Hmph," Nebula gruffed as she attempted to spiral through the air. This maneuver she watched Lazuli do countless times in their past sessions over the months. The mare had taken upon herself to teach Nebula the basics of flying since she took notice of how well of a visual learner that the filly was. However, if Nebula had regular pegasi wings rather than these webbed ones that she is still adapting to, she would see no point in a tutor.

Retaining the cycle proved to be a challenge for the filly and her limit would constantly exhaust after the seventh before her wings finally gave in. Noting this, Lazuli caught Nebula when the filly's body locked upside down and began to descend. Catching the filly on her backside, Nebula hissed as she turned over and perched on Lazuli's back.

"That was so fast," Windy clapped her hooves. "You certainly have the motherly instincts down."

"I think you're reading in too much," Lazuli voiced as she spaced away from Windy for Nebula to leap into. Again the filly would enter the space and Lazuli would come swoop in again to rescue the filly when necessary.

"How could I not?" Windy voiced loudly. "The way you let her go as far she can handle before rushing in to save her. It's pretty clear you know full well where her limits are.""

"That's part of being a coach," Lazuli said. "I've pretty much done things this way for foals ever since I worked at Hope's daycare center."

"Hope runs a daycare center?" Windy wondered.

"Yeah," Lazuli anxiously stated. "I worked as a volunteer. Hope taught me the basics and then I figured the rest out on my own."

"I guess it worked out conveniently for you then," Windy smiled. "Especially now that you have two foals to take care of."

"When will you silence about this nonsense about her being my mother figure?" Nebula growled. "I'll have you know that I'm old enough to be her ancestor."

"I think Nebby is getting cranky," Windy voiced.

"Naw," Lazuli said. "She's always like that."

"Humph," Nebula gruffed before leaping off from Lazuli's back and stretched her wings again to soar between the two mares.

As the two observed the filly, an unnerving silence surrounding the two. Windy made brief glances at Lazuli, noting the discomfort from the mare. "...Hey," Windy voiced.

"Yeah?" Lazuli kept her sights onto Nebula.

"It's okay to be nervous," Windy said. "I'm still am a bit myself"

"Nervous?" Lazuli anxiously chuckled. "Who said I was nervous?"

"Well, you haven't made single eye contact at me since we've started our little flying session with Nebula," Windy reasoned. "Plus, you haven't really said much."

"What do you expect from me?" Lazuli argued. "I mean, I'm happy that I have this chance to see you, but..."

"Don't exactly know what to do now, right?" Windy finished. "I know exactly what you mean. I've been thinking about this moment ever since I was a filly. I thought of so many things we could talk about, though most were just random things that'd probably wouldn't help much."

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