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Chapter 6: Following

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It was another day after work, I sat at my desk at my actual job now waiting for the Chief to be done with his meeting. I was prepared to give him a rundown of what happened over these past few days. I would've come to him at the end of the week if it weren't for him leaving town for a few days.

I wasn't looking forward to going back tomorrow, Zeke not only would hit on (Y/N) but the other women in the office he'd flirt with. Not only was it unprofessional but downright creepy.

But still no demeaning evidence he was kidnapping and selling people, I wouldn't be able to find out until I had a chance to get his laptop. I intended to hack it during my lunch while he was away but I had found that it was littered with passwords and even a password protected back up hard-drive. I didn't have the time to try and crack each password.

Although another thing caught my eye as I was raiding his office. A large safe tucked under the left side of his desk. If I could open that then maybe I may find some clues on what he's doing outside of work.

I sat at my desk recalling the events that happened today, it wasn't much, mostly just planning for the upcoming fundraiser party Zeke was throwing. I was at (Y/N)'s side all-day assisting her when she needed me. And during that time I got to watch her work, watched how kind she acted around her co-workers, surely much more professional than Zeke. She seemed...elegant, with every move she made it was somehow graceful.

Her sincere smile made me feel at ease other than just her presence as a whole. And instead of just planning things out by herself like some of the other employees there, she asked for other's inputs and considered suggestions Hanji or Petra gave. So far the theme of this fundraiser was to be a royal-ball type of party.

My thoughts were soon cut off when Kenny's door opened and he came walking out. I stood from my seat with my notes, stepping around my desk I approached him. "Hello sir," I greeted.

Cocking his head in the direction of his office I follow him there. Upon entering Kenny shut and locked the door. I took a seat in front of his desk and laid out the notes I had made. As Kenny took the paper his eyes scan it rather quickly. After letting out a few hums he finally tosses the notes back down. "So basically you've gathered information we already know," he informs.

"I know it's not much, but until I can get my hands on some equipment, I won't be able to go much further. He's only done a few things at work which is making the women uncomfortable but that's not enough to prove he's kidnapping women and selling them-"

"Have you tried hacking into his computer? Doesn't he have some kind of device for his own personal use?" he asks.

"Yeah, but he keeps that with him at all times, and when I tried hacking into his work computer it had a lot of passwords, but there is a safe under his desk that may have more clues,"

Nodding his head Kenny rises from his seat, walking around his desk he heads to the back of his office, in some cabinets were bags full of tiny cameras for planting along with a couple microphones the same size. Not to mention a couple of tracking devices. "Have at it, I'll see you in a couple of weeks for another report, hopefully, we'll get more info on the guy,"

With a final nod in agreement, I stand up and head out to my car where I shoved the things in my trunk.

~Time Skip~

Heading to Jaeger Enterprise to start my fake job again, I let out a sigh while looking around the parking garage, I had seen Zeke's car only a few times. I parked a few feet from it, getting out I head to the back of my own and grab a GPS tracking system, after activating it, I walk up to the back of Zeke's expensive-looking car.

Kneeling down, I reach underneath and place it against a flat surface. I pull it a little to make sure it wouldn't come off too easily. And once it was on, I back away and begin heading inside. I checked my phone to make sure the tracker would show up on my phone. It did.

The day went on normally after that, I couldn't sneak into Zeke's office today because he had meeting after meeting in there, even (Y/N) was also stuck in there with him, and I wasn't fond of it. Who knows what he could be doing to her.

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