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Chapter 70: Finale

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I rushed to the room, the doctor said Erwin was staying in. It didn't sound serious but I still couldn't help but wonder how badly he was hurt. Officer Braun told me he had been shot while chasing after a thief. Erwin hadn't realized that the woman was carrying a gun, at least that's what his partner said.

There I found my lover sitting on the edge of the bed, his bicep exposed with a rather long new cut. He had been stitched from the looks of it. "Are you alright?" I ask rushing into his arms, he held them open for me when he saw me enter. My hand gently traced over the wound causing him to flinch.

"Careful, the stitches are fresh,"

I was only a little relieved, to keep him from seeing me get upset, I hid my face in his neck. His other arm wrapped around me tightly. "I'm sorry, I told Officer Braun not to call you, I didn't want to worry you,"

"Remind me to thank him for not listening to you," I chuckle, tears started to brim my eyes, I know that he was okay but I still couldn't help but worry.

"Baby, you okay?" he asks.

I finally reveal my face as the tears fell, "Yeah," I let out a sigh, my hormones were all over the place regardless since I was pregnant. I let out another sigh, I didn't want to stress too much for the baby's sake.

"We never talked about this," he mentions softly, placing a hand on my cheek, his thumb swipes away a falling tear.

"I just didn't want to think about it happening, I figured with you being chief you wouldn't have to go out as much," I sob.

"Honey," he says sweetly, "I can cut back, I'll be just fine doing desk duty, especially when the baby comes-"

"No!" I cut, and I then start to wipe my own tears and back out of his grasp. "I will not hold you back, you've worked too hard for this," I argue.

"(Y/N), you're important to me, and so is this baby. You both are my priority- and I want to make sure I'm there to protect you both first, I will not leave our child without a father," he proclaims.

Standing up from the bed he makes his way over to me, taking me into his strong arms again. "I will cut back on my hours when the baby arrives, and strictly work desk duty," it was his final word on the matter, and I wasn't going to argue with him. His priorities are his own and I won't fight him for what he wants. I was just happy to have a man in my life who was willing to put aside something important like this to help raise a child with me, even if it was the bare minimum.

"I love you," I say as I rest my head on his chest, then I felt his lips kiss the top of my head.

"I love you too angel,"

~5 Months Later~

I slowly sat myself down in the chair of a fancy restaurant. Erwin helped push in my seat as I got situated. Things had certainly got more difficult with this big belly in my way. I was just pushing 8 months into my pregnancy, so I was having to deal with kicking and constantly needing to use the bathroom. But one thing that became sort of regular since last month was false contractions. They weren't super strong nor would they last too long but it was uncomfortable.

"How are you feeling?" Erwin asks- this was about the sixth time he's asked me today, I appreciated his concern but there were times it'd get annoying.

"Same as I felt five minutes ago my love- ow!"

"What?" Erwin asks, his face painted with panic.

"Baby just kicked me, I'm okay though,"

I wasn't gonna let this little bug ruin our date night, I sat up straight and put a smile on despite the cramping I was feeling in my lower abdomen. We ordered our drinks and had light conversation. We were celebrating, it had been officially 10 months since Erwin and I met. It was crazy how much had happened in that amount of time but I truly was happy with our life. And I was excited for our future, our family.

When it came time, we ordered our food and continued talking about random things. From what he's told me his friend Levi finally got with his girl and were living happily in Emerside. As for Kenny, he left the country to travel and relax. I was happy to hear his friends were doing well, I hoped they would come and visit for Christmas though.

"Levi said he'd try and make it for Christmas but isn't sure yet because he doesn't want to come up then go back down only to come back when the baby arrives,"

I took a sip of my water and nodded in agreement. "Then it's okay if we see him after the baby comes- there will be plenty of Christmases," The blonde smiles back glad that I was adjusting so Levi would be able to see the baby.

After finishing our dinner the waiter came by wondering if we'd like any dessert, that's when I glanced over to Erwin. "Do you want something?" he asks.

"Please," I mutter.

My lover smiles and encourages me to look at the menu. "Get whatever you want," Taking the paper from the man I begin to scan over the different items until I saw something drenched in chocolate. After placing my order I took another sip of water.

Our date night was a success and I couldn't wait for the next one, and for what the future held for us. I was beyond happy with the man sitting before me and the baby boy that would be entering this world in a matter of weeks. All I wanted was for our family to grow and eventually marry this man, and love him for the rest of my life.

The End...

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