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Chapter 35: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Crouched on the floor, Mango- my kitty hid under the bed next to me as we listened to the shuffling. In one ear was the 911 operator talking to me, I had given them the address to my apartment and they informed me officers were on the way. I wondered what was going on out there if Erwin was hurt, or maybe he had pinned the intruder down.

Moments passed when the silence returned. I wondered now what was going on for it to be so quiet. Minutes felt like hours waiting, waiting for an okay or waiting for my door to be kicked down and my life gone. In my other hand, I had the taser which Erwin showed me how to properly activate, and more efficiently after I told him what happened with Zeke. He was more or less furious after hearing about it but I managed to calm him down.

"(Y/N) you're okay now!" I hear his voice call from the living room. My heart fluttered happily as I stood up. I was headed to my door when a thought made me stop in my tracks. What if the intruder has him tied up and telling him to say that so I'll come out? No, Erwin wouldn't do that. Part of me wanted to stay hidden, but the other part wanted to make sure my boyfriend was okay, so with one hand on the door handle. My phone was pressed between my ear and shoulder while I got ready to use my taser.

Once I unlocked the door and opened it, there he stood before me. My protector, he had a few scrapes but was in one piece. Letting out a relieved sigh, I let the operator know what was going on as I got out to the living room to find the intruder passed out and tied to my dining chair. "Here let me," Erwin says as he takes my phone. Now he's talking to the operator explaining what was happening.

~Time Skip~

Eventually, the police came around including Kenny and Levi who took the man with them and started asking us questions. Levi took the man out to the hall where they questioned him leaving me with Kenny and Erwin who were currently arguing. "Erwin look, Zeke knows who you really are, and now (Y/N) is at risk! I think it's best you take a step away from this case before it hurts not only you but your girl," Kenny says.

"Zeke will come after her no matter what we do! I know this case better than anyone! Please Kenny we're so close all we need is-"

Levi steps in knocking on my door catching all of our attention. "The guy confessed, this is Zeke's doing. He was sent by him to come and take (Y/N). He wasn't planning on Erwin being here so he was planning to kill Erwin and take the girl," Levi explains.

Erwin looked back at his boss, now in silence. "Let's go then," Erwin says ready to head out, but Kenny grabbed him.

"I think it's best you let me and Levi handle this. You keep watch over your girl for tonight, we'll work on getting the warrant so you can investigate at the hardware shop tomorrow," Erwin agrees and steps back by my side.

For a moment Kenny glanced back at me seeming a little annoyed. I stood there silently trying not to feel guilty, I'm sure if I was still in the dark they'd have a much easier time catching Zeke. But now it wasn't just Erwin who was a target. It made me feel uneasy.

By the time everyone left, it was just me and Erwin again. "Are you alright?" he asks me, placing a hand on my face, I slowly nod. But it was a lie, I was still shaken, Zeke isn't going to take no for an answer anymore, and if they don't catch him, who knows what he'll do. I tightly held the taser in my hand as if it would give me some sort of comfort but it didn't.

"I hope they get him... I don't want to constantly be looking over my shoulder wondering when the next attempt will be. I... I need to quit-" Taking me into his arms, he held me tightly.

"We can worry about all of this tomorrow, let's just get something to eat and try to relax," he says softly. I let out another long sigh as my body melts into his, my shoulders fall limp and my eyes shut as I nod against his firm chest. But how can I quit now? I gotta stay so I can provide them with as much information as possible- that's if I can find anything they haven't already found.

"You can quit tomorrow if you want, but I'm sure he'll be behind bars before you go in. But it's up to you," Now wrapping my arms around his waist, I turn my head to look up at him.

"No, I was just panicking a little. I do want to quit but not until we find out what he's been up to and if he's really leading the whole trafficking stuff. I want to make sure he's locked up for good," It was no longer just Erwin's battle, it was mine too, and for the sake of the other women who have been abused by him. Eren needed to go too, for enabling this sort of crap. I just hope everything will come to light. 

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