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Chapter 31: Breathe


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I was fed up, with all of it. Zeke was ruining things and I wasn't happy in the slightest. I planned to go back to the hotel with (Y/N) and talk this out. Figure out how we could fix this. The halls had become darker than before as I followed the beautiful woman in front of me to our room.

By the time she got to our door, I grabbed her arm.


Erwin stopped me from entering, after taking hold of my wrist, he pulls me back then presses me against the wall. Now between his arms, I avoided his hypnotizing blue eyes. I knew that if I looked at him, I would give in. I didn't want to do that, I was upset, upset with both him and Zeke for ruining the fundraiser for me. "Let me go," I mumble.

"No, not until we finish talking about this-"

Crossing my arms, I dart my head to look up at him. My eyes glared at him coldly as I snap back, "Well I don't wanna talk,"

"Look, I get you're upset but I just want to figure out where we go from here, I wanted to tell you (Y/N) I really did. Zeke had no right to say anything especially since he left so much out," Erwin argues.

His eyes traveled downward, studying my face and soon body. I had to admit, he looked rather hot pressing me against the wall like this. I moved forward slightly only to have him push me back gently. "God damn it," he mutters.

"What now?" I ask in an annoyed tone, only to watch Erwin dip down and suddenly lift me up against the wall slightly. I gasp at the sudden movements and at the fact that now Erwin's hand was on my exposed leg from the slit in my dress.

"I...I can't focus when you look so god damn beautiful," he growls.

"Oh yeah?" I whisper. Licking his lips, I watched as his eyes darted from my eyes to my lips.

"It's frustrating because I wanna tell you everything but I also just..." he trails off, eyes still locked on my mouth.

"Just what?" I mumble again, I could feel the heat pooling between my legs, and my heart was pounding now. Just take me already- we don't need to talk.

"I just want to kiss you...so bad,"

"Then do it-"

After saying that, his lips crashed down on mine hard, hungrily. I latched myself onto him for dear life as we made out along the wall by our door. It wasn't smart, if anything the little voice in my head was telling me to pause and slip into the room to continue but I couldn't stop. Our lips moved in sync fast and sloppily against one another, it was hotter than the other times we've made out.

Erwin let out a soft growl while setting me down, he returned to caging me between his arms as we continued to make out in the hallway, not really giving a damn about any passerby. That was until we heard familiar giggling. "For god's sake," Erwin mumbles against my lips.

I chuckle softly before biting down on my bottom lip. "We should-"

"Yeah," with that, our lips connected again in another heated makeout session as Erwin pushed me into our room after jumbling to find the key card. Shuffling inside, Erwin broke the kiss again allowing me to go toward the bed while he shut and locked the door. I had very little time to sit before he pounced on me.

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