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Chapter 37: Comfort

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I had become worried when Erwin didn't show up with dinner, or even texted me letting me know he was on his way. So, I went out in search for him, the first place I checked was the precinct thinking he may just be running late. Levi told me he left in a hurry and seemed distressed which only made me more worried.

Next I went to his apartment, upon walking down the hall and up to his door, I found it ajar. Carefully, I open it in case someone broke in, shocked, I found the living room in shambles, the bookcases were pulled down, books messily laid out on the floor. Aside from that, furniture had been flipped upside down- it looked as if someone had ransacked his place. But in the middle of all this chaos was a distraught Erwin holding his kitten.

"Erwin what-" I stop still taking in everything, slowly approaching him, he suddenly flinched.

"Stay back," he croaks.

I didn't listen, kneeling beside him, I rest my hand on his back. "Erwin-"

"Please I don't want to hurt you," he mumbles.

My hand strokes his back in a circular motion trying to comfort him, "You could never hurt me Erwin, will you tell me what happened?" I ask softly.

With his free hand he covered his eyes as soft sobs escape from his mouth. "I'm such a failure,"

A twinge of pain shot through me as he said that, leaning in close, I then grab his face forcing him to look at me. From what I could see through the darkness, his eyes were puffy from crying. Letting out a quivered sigh, I started to feel choked up, I hated seeing him like this. "You are not a failure," I stop as he tries to pull his head out of my hands, "Hey! Look at me, you aren't a failure," I croak, tears brim my eyes watching as tears begin to fall from his.

"He killed him...Zeke is t-the one,"

Mike...no. Suddenly his cat jump from his arms, and that's when I took the blonde into my arms allowing him to break down hoping he'd find comfort here. We sat like that on his messy floor for a few hours. When he was ready, we got up, packed a bag and I took him homes with me, we even brought his kitten.

Upon arriving home, he took his things into the bedroom while I set the cat down on the floor. Mango my cat was curious about the visitor, Rocco- Erwin's kitten was a little timid but after smelling each other they seemed to be alright.

Heading into the kitchen I decided to make dinner instead of ordering in. And if Erwin still wanted to we could watch a movie together. "I'm gonna hop in the shower," I hear him call from my bedroom.

I call back with a simple okay and let him know I was starting dinner. Not long after I heard the water running. The cats were in the living room playing, I could hear them fumbling on the floor. Thankfully my cat wasn't scared of him, or too territorial. With some soft music in the background, I began cooking dinner for two. After adding some spices in, I was hit was sudden nausea. Stepping away from the oven I place my hand over my mouth hoping it would pass. Thankfully it did. That was weird.


After the shower, I was feeling a bit better, my eyes still were sore from crying like a child. I still was in pain, to know the man who had killed my best friend sat before me today and was my boss for a short time. He had reopened the wounds I thought were healing today. But thanks to (Y/N) the pain wasn't as bad as before.

Stepping out into the main room, (Y/N) was in the kitchen watching over the cooking food. I step up behind her, my arms wrapped around her waist all while my head rested on her shoulder. Slightly turning my head, I kiss along her neck quickly before helping her get dinner ready. First getting out drinks, I poured a couple glasses of wine then placed them on the small dining table that sat against the window looking out at the city. Next was the plates and silverware which were set out beside her to make it easier to dish. "Do you need anything else?" I ask standing by the fridge.

"Uh yeah, get me the heavy cream,"

It became a relaxing evening, with a delicious dinner then a movie, it really helped keep things off of my mind. By the end of the night, we were headed to bed when (Y/N) stopped me and gasp softly. She looked down in complete awe, looking down with her I found Rocco and Mango sleeping together on the cat bed. Rocco was curled up under Mango who was resting her head and arm over the kitten. It looked as if she was holding him.

I was happy to know that Mango liked having us over, maybe someday our stay will be more permanent. 

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