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Chapter 23: Questions With No Answers

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I sat on Levi's right as we watched over the screens displaying different traffic surveillance. Currently, we were looking over the incident that happened the other night, the street we were watching had a woman beaten to death and of course, the culprit ran from the scene.

We were hoping that this would give us more evidence it had something to do with Zeke but for all, we knew it could've just been some random low-life preying on some innocent woman. I hadn't spoken to (Y/N) all day, with it being my day off at Jaeger Enterprise, I had time to come in and do more work on the case.

"Here," Levi says as he points at his screen, leaning over, I look in the spot his finger rested on. There the woman was walking alone, it was the same woman from that night, same white coat and blonde hair. As she rounded the corner a car was coming toward her, when she had noticed it slowed down, it looked as if they were having a conversation. That was until a dark figure jumped out of the car and attempted to grab her.

Whoever had been driving continued moving forward but slowly waiting for their partner. But the lady was fighting back, doing everything possible to get away. Levi and I watched closely as the figure began hitting the woman and shaking her like crazy. Clearly, she screamed as he went to cover her mouth only for him to shove her to the ground. According to Kenny, she had been strangled.

Returning my gaze to my own screen I watched as the car came into view of the next camera. "Right there, can you zoom this in for me so I can get the plate numbers?" I ask Armin, he was better at things like this than I was. Quickly getting up out of my seat, the blonde occupied it and worked his magic. There the still fuzzy number was legible. Scribbling the words down I thanked Armin and left the room.

After having the numbers run through I found it was one of the cars Zeke owned. This had to be it! I turn back to Levi who then looked at his uncle. "Alright, I'll have them picked up, in the meantime Erwin, it's best you get out of here. We can't have your cover blown just yet." Kenny says.


Sprawled out on the couch, I let out a long tired sigh. It was the weekend, which meant I wouldn't get to see Erwin until Monday. We both agreed the weekend would be our break days for exercising, but still, I wish I had a good reason to go see him.

I hadn't even gotten dressed, only because I had no plans to leave. Hanji was busy in Winside getting the fundraiser ready. And Erwin hadn't texted me back. There was always Petra but she was probably busy too.

I got up from the couch to fix my loose robe. Upon getting up there was a knock at my door. I wonder who that could be. Without thinking, I swing the door open to find my handsome blonde. "Erwin," I greet in slight shock. I truly wasn't expecting to see him since he never reached out.

"Hi...uh, is this a bad time?" he wonders. I watched as his eyes undressed me, how they slowly trailed up and down. How is this the same man who made out with me at Hanji's? He's all flustered again. I did my best to hold back any hysterical laughter, but it was hard considering his face was slowly turning a bright shade of red.

"Not at all, do you wanna come in?"

I step aside allowing him access, he didn't hesitate. This would be the first time he's stayed longer than five minutes...hopefully. "Would you like something to drink?" I ask as I shut the door behind me.

"No thanks, sorry for not responding to any of your texts I had some errands this morning,"

"No biggy," I go to sit back on the couch beside him. There was a long pause between us, as we sat there. Erwin had been looking off into space while I watched him do so. He must be lost in thought. "Was there something you wanted?" Then the thought of him saying 'you' popped into my head caused me to cross my legs. And thoughts of the other night came to mind.

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