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Chapter 25: No Way Out

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I didn't think things would be so tense at work since I started seeing Erwin- or whatever we were. Still haven't gotten a label on it but I'm running with it for now. I stood between the two hot-headed blondes as they glared at each other. Erwin just barely taller than our boss was eyeing him down trying to look intimidating. "She's not staying alone in your office alone, out of the question," Erwin finally argued.

"Uh, I think so. Or did you forget who's in charge? Keep it up boy and I'll have you thrown out of here," he threatens.

Honestly, I don't think Erwin was pissed about that, he was probably more pissed off because Zeke had gotten me flowers to 'apologize' for the time he touched me during that one meeting. "Erwin it's alright, I won't be in there for long-"

"And this- you really think is an appropriate gift for a woman you were sexually harassing?" Erwin questions.

"I do, I even put a little card in there telling her how sorry I am,"

Back and forth, they argued either over the flowers or the fact that I'd be alone with Zeke for five minutes. Sure you could do a lot in five minutes, but I could handle myself. I was getting fed up, and placed myself between them. "Enough, Erwin please, they are just flowers and it is only five minutes okay?" I ask.

He still looked angry, but it wasn't pointed at me, his eyes remained locked on Zeke's even as he let out a defeated sigh. "Whatever,"

After the blonde had said that, he stormed off and an awful pit in my stomach rose. Then as his arm wrapped around Zeke stuck the bouquet of flowers in my face. I took them and finally faced him with an annoyed glare. "Why do you have to instigate things? All you do is make things harder than they need to be," I complain, with that, I walked past him towards is office ready to get this little meeting over with.

Upon entering, I hear the door shut behind me, I glance back at my boss making sure he wasn't planning to do anything. "I understand your anger, but it's not just me who instigates things. If Erwin hadn't followed me last night I wouldn't have to punis-"

"Why would he follow you? Plus he was at my-" It dawned on me, I looked at Zeke distraught. Did he do that to Erwin? "So you were the one to..." I trail off all while Zeke slowly circles around me, toying with the ends of my hair, he chuckles softly.

"Oh no sweetheart, I had a couple of thugs take care of him. But don't worry I made sure they didn't ruin that face you seem to love so much," he says. Disgusted, I dart away from him, closer to the door. Fuck this meeting- I can't believe he- no actually I can...

"You're horrible," that's when I dropped the bouquet of flowers and quickly left the room to find Erwin. I had to know why he was following Zeke. Walking up and down the halls of the upper floors, I slowly began heading downward. But he didn't seem to be anywhere I searched. Upon exiting the elevator at the lobby, I rush out my head darting left and right looking for the blonde.

Exiting the building, I look to my right finding him standing against the brick wall. His hands were in his pockets as he looked to the ground. I let out a sigh feeling a little relieved, standing before him I watched his crystal blue eyes, the one I had come to love so much slowly shift up to meet my (e/c) ones. "Zeke told me what happened last night, why were you following him?" I question.

Then turning his gaze away from mine, Erwin lets out a sigh. "It's none of your business," he says coldly. The pit in my stomach seemed to only get worse now as he continued to show this side of him.

"You're not making this easy Erwin, I want to know why you followed him and got yourself nearly killed-"

"It doesn't matter! Stay out of it- or you could get hurt," he snaps. I jolted, startled by how loud his voice had gotten. It was like when we first met, how he had shut me out when I offered to get drinks with him. To me, this didn't feel like he was protecting me, if anything there was something else going on. But I didn't want to push my luck and cause him to lash out even more to draw attention, so I held myself and looked away from him.

Without another word, I turned away and headed back inside. Now there was a lump in my throat as I walked through the lobby back to the elevator. I did my best to keep my composure but I really felt like crying- and for what? Getting snapped at by the guy I like?

I clicked the button to the floor I needed to be on and waited. And for the rest of the day, I didn't see Erwin.


I had to leave early, I had so much anger from what happened last night with Zeke, and now regret for how I treated (Y/N). But I couldn't tell her, for so many reasons. If she knew, it would one; blow my cover, and two; put her in more danger. Plus she'd probably hate me for keeping secrets.

Upon arriving home, I was greeted by my newly found pet Rocco. He rubbed his head against my leg as he let out a soft mew. I bent down to pick him up, after kicking my shoes off, I headed to my bedroom where I plopped down onto the bed. Upon doing so, my body felt only a little relieved, but the images of (Y/N)'s hurt expression stayed in my mind. I just wanted this mission to be over, so I wouldn't have to worry anymore. But I knew once it was over, I would have to quit Jaeger Enterprise. And who knew if I'd be able to see (Y/N) again, or if she'd even allow it because soon or later she'd know who I was.

Turning on my side, I let out a sigh. She'll definitely think that everything I said and did was a lie. That I did all of those things to be more convincing...maybe it's better that way. Would she even believe me if I told her I loved her? Even after this is over?

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