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Chapter: The Death of Me

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Later that day Erwin and I were getting back from lunch, we went to a cute little diner around the corner and discussed more plans for the fundraiser. On our way back in, I could see a familiar blonde standing at the desk. Shocked I call to the person I believed I knew, "Petra?!"

Rushing up to her, I watched as she spun around with a surprised face. My arms quickly wrap around her once I knew it was for sure her. "I've missed you, woman!" stepping back a moment we both took in our new looks for a moment.

"It's only been about two months, and look at you I heard you got a promotion!" she says.

Smiling down at her I nod in agreement to her statement, "Yeah, oh this is Erwin, my assistant he's been interning here for a couple of weeks now,"


I quickly waved at the short blonde, as she greeted herself, eventually she stepped forward and held out her hand. Quickly taking it I give her a quick shake before she returned to (Y/N) and muttered something. The girls giggled before (Y/N)'s phone began ringing.

Moving away from us she took the phone call, as I listened in I found it was the caterers calling to set up the date to visit the spot we picked to set stuff up. But soon my attention turned to another blonde exiting the elevator. My once calm expression turned cold as Zeke strolled up to us.

Quickly stepping up in front of the girls, I crossed my arms. Zeke stopped and stared up at me, not that he had to tilt his head much. "Good morning Erwin, Morning girls- Petra welcome back!" Zeke greets pretending to sound excited.

"Erwin please," (Y/N) mumbles as she presses her hand against my chest after stepping in front of me. "Good morning sir, here is your schedule for today. I was just about to head to Hanji's office to discuss more of the fundraiser plans when the caterers called me," she explains.

The blonde simply nods and takes another step towards the front door only to stop again, "Be sure that you do see Hanji, I want to make sure this party is a hit!" he says. And as he was about to walk out he stops and turns to us once more. "Oh and (Y/N) I heard about your little scare the other night, I'd like to take this opportunity to offer you rides home if you'd like-"

He was quick, a second later he was closer to her, a little too close for my taste. "Oh I-" Again I block his view of her, and although this could possibly get me fired I didn't give a rat's ass. How would he know she was followed...unless he was the one following her.

"I've already got that taken care of, she won't be needing such rides," I answer for her. I could tell by his attitude he was starting to become frustrated. And as much as I wanted to let (Y/N) speak for herself I knew she'd just agree with him to please him.

"Erwin's right sir, but thank you for the offer,"

My eyes go wide for a moment, shocked by her words, darting my head back to look at her, she smiles sweetly at the blonde who must've been fuming. When I looked back at Zeke, I watched as he forced a smile, "Well alright, but in case you change your mind my offer stands," Finally his eyes shift up to me, and his smile drops within an instant.


Petra and I moved onto the upper floors after running into Zeke who seemed to be having some sort of staring contest with Erwin for a bit before leaving. We stopped by Hanji's to talk then eventually went our separate ways. Erwin went off to make a call while I sat in my office checking up on my emails.

Writing back to the other people helping plan his event, I was completely caught off guard when Erwin burst through the door. It had only been about ten minutes since he went to take his call, and now he stood before me with a wet suit that smelled of coffee. "What happened?" I ask quickly rising from my seat.

"Eren bumped into me with hot coffee," he answers while gently dabbing at the fabric with a napkin. Acting quickly, I return to my desk where I had hidden a gift for Erwin. I guess it was perfect timing, it was supposed to be his thank you gift for the other night.

"Here take this," I say as I pull out the clean shirt, looking at me slightly confused, he slowly wraps on hand around it. I jolt a little upon feeling his hand just barely touch mine.

"Where'd you get this?"

"I bought it yesterday...it was supposed to be a little thank you gift for helping me out the other night," I explain.

The blonde simply nods and I take the napkin from him to toss. Afterward, I slowly walk around him watching as he starts unbuttoning the top of his shirt. "Thanks," he says.

"Y-yeah," I stutter, at the door, I slowly turn back to look at him then say, "I'll just step out for a moment so you have some privacy," As I was about to shut the door behind me I suddenly remembered something I wanted to get to Hanji right away. So thinking I might still have some time to snatch it, I open the door once more only to have Erwin's bare backside on full display. "Oh!" I yelp which only caused him to quickly spin around and face me. Oh lord. Instantly my eyes fell onto his rippling abs and broad chest. Moments passed by as I stood there in the doorway. "Uh... I'm sorry!"

Again I leave, this time not tempting to re-enter until he came to the door, when I heard it open I slowly turn to face him. My face was beet red, embarrassed to have just walked in on him. I mean it's not like he was completely naked. Who am I kidding that was so rude! "I'm sorry," I quickly say only for him to raise his hand and stop me.

"It's fine, thank you again," he retorts with a sweet smile, and there my shoulders slump, returning the same smile back at him, I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach. He's gonna be the death of me.

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