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~5 Years Later~


Five years had passed and we were preparing for our son Mike's 5th birthday. So much had happened, Erwin and I were married a year after Mike was born, and now I was two months away from welcoming our next child into the world.

My husband Erwin entered through the front door with a bag of groceries in one hand and Mike's cake in the other. "Hey hun," I greet, waddling up to him I take the cake from him so he wouldn't accidentally drop it.

"Hey angel, where's the little man?" he asks.

"Outside with Hanji," I answer then peck him on the lips. Then I watched as he made his way to the backyard, through the tall windows I watched him pick our son up. I always enjoyed watching him with our child, he was always so gentle. Kissing Mike's cheek, he turns toward the window and gets him to wave at me. I attempt to show the cake to him as I smile.

The excitement on our baby's face was the best thing to witness, he could make anyone's bad day into a good one with his smile. Erwin carries him inside with Hanji following close behind. "Oooh! Cake hurry up and put the candles on it!"

"Uh-uh, not until this weekend Hanji," I tell her as I stick it in the fridge. I hear the brunette whine.

"Erwin can't you convince her to celebrate earlier?" she asks.

I turn to look at my husband, I cross my arms and give him a death stare. "I'd rather not Hanji, it's best to do as she says," he warns.

"Ugh fine, in that case, I'm taking your child back outside to play," she says as she snatches Mike out of the blonde's arms. Shaking my head I couldn't help but smile at the two of them. Even though Hanji wasn't related to any of us, she gave that crazy fun-aunt vibe. Plus she was a good babysitter since returning to San Ascord.

Walking up to Erwin, I take his waist into my arms and hold him as we watch the two play outside. Everything was perfect, and even when things weren't, we got through it together. I then look at him finding him already staring at me. "I love you, angel," he whispers all while placing a hand on my large belly.

"I love you too," and with that, he leaned in and kissed me sweetly, like he always had, and always will. 

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