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1. My question is if you release every week a chapter isn't the fanfic going to end like in 1-2 years!?

A: In a way, yes, but you would also have to consider the double (sometimes triple) chapter uploads I do here and there, I mean it doesn't make a huge difference. But technically yes it will take me about a year or more depending on a number of things like how many chapters it has or if it's a series, and how many hiatuses I take. But if you'd like to know I first started working on this book back in August of 2019.

2. At what time do you usually go to bed?

A: Pretty late, there was a period of time I'd go to bed at like 10 pm but now lately it's been around midnight to sometimes 3 or 4 in the morning but I usually try and get off my phone by midnight.

3. What is the hardest part of writing fic?

A: Me personally, I believe it's the beginning of the book. Because there are a lot of ways to start a book and it usually sets up how the whole book will go. And I like getting the beginning off to a good start and gradually introducing the characters and world.

4. What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?

A: Oof well, a lot of the angstier ideas I've had are a lot of killing important characters off. But the angstiest one- well if I told you it would spoil things for a certain vampire book 😉.

5. Do your friends or family in real life know that you write fanfics? if so, what are their thoughts on it?

A: Yes my family and few friends know, my dad doesn't really acknowledge it. My mom likes to talk about it to her friends but she doesn't say it's fanfiction she just says I write. But my brother he's pretty supportive but then again he usually stays out of fandoms due to a lot of toxicity. But he'll sometimes look over my stuff.

6. do you have a beta reader?

A: Technically I do, I send them to my bestie/wifey Emmy. But usually, after I will go through with Grammarly for anything we both missed (and somehow after all that I still tend to miss some things but oh well at least we try lmao). And I used to have quite a few beta readers back on my old account before it was taken down. But if you want to join you can! Just send me a message and we'll talk!

7. Is there anything you regret writing?

A: Here's a fun one lmao. But seriously, the one thing I regret writing would be having certain characters from the fandoms in relationships (for example Mikasa x Jean). I've done my best to stray away from putting the canon characters together mostly because of how people within the different fandoms like to get when they don't see their favorite characters together in a fanfiction. Now, you can ship all you want and I do my best not to take comments to heart especially when it's about a ship that isn't even about the main characters. But basically, that is one thing I regret and have kinda stopped doing I mean the vampire series still has that but otherwise, my newer books and one-shots won't be having that kind of thing going on. If I do have the characters from the fandoms I will just be putting them with original characters. 

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