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Chapter 22: Meat

So this chapter contains 18+ content so if you are not comfortable with it then feel free to skip!

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It was finally the next morning, I awoke bright and early with butterflies in my stomach from fresh memories of what I did last night. I kissed him... I actually kissed Erwin. Getting ready, I slipped into a workout set for my jog with the same blonde. I packed a change of clothes for afterward before we hit the diner for breakfast.

Once ready, I made a brisk exit from my place not wanting to waste time. When I left the elevator in the lobby, I stopped in my tracks surprised. There he stood like a god, in a tank top and basketball shorts, looking at the wall in front of him. Admiring the pictures put there by our landlord, he had no idea that I was watching him. Maybe he's just as motivated by our kiss as I am, to get up early to start our routine. Smiling to myself I shook my head, I hadn't moved from my spot by the elevators, I was too busy gawking from afar.

Finally, after realizing the time, I step out into his view causing him to turn and smile at me. His smile was a bit timid but still bright. And the butterflies I felt before, felt stronger when we got closer. Now we stood only a couple feet away, my head was tilted up slightly to meet his gentle gaze. "You ready?" he asks. Boy am I ready.

"Yes sir," I say in a rather motivated tone. With that, I quickly darted around him and to the door. Before our jog even commenced we agreed we'd come back to his place so he could shower and I could change, so I left my bag there. Our time jogging up and down multiple blocks was spent mostly in silence due to us having our own earbuds in listening to music. But we remained side by side for the most part.

By the time we made it back to his building, it was nearly nine. I stood in his now pristine living room, while he headed into his room. Minutes pass before I hear the water start running. I quickly change into more normal clothing then took a seat on his sofa. My eyes dart around the room admiring all the work we had done. Then to my left, a cat jumped up, purring. "Hi baby," I whisper, I shift slightly allowing the cute animal to climb onto my lap. He must've found him or something. Sitting there petting the cat, I continue to look around. Then I noticed Erwin's laundry on the dining table. He probably didn't get a chance to take it to his room.

Gently setting his new pet on the ground I get up and grab the basket, I didn't know how long time had passed since Erwin got in the shower but I assumed he'd still be in the bathroom at least. I intended to just set the basket in there and then leave. The second I opened the door Erwin's cat came rushing in making me stumble and look at my feet, not even realizing the other thing coming inside the room. The moment I looked up my eyes were wide and my face immediately went warm. My eyes shot downward at his-

"I- I..." I trail off not having any good explanation for my intrusion. Even Erwin became flustered and quickly turned away revealing his toned ass. That's when I finally turned and covered my eyes. "I'm sorry I-I'll be o-out in the...yeah," I stop talking and simply walk out and shut the door behind me.

I was mentally slapping myself for being so dumb. I just stood there! God, I'm an idiot.

~Time Skip~


After this morning's events, we skipped breakfast. I hadn't really seen (Y/N) the rest of the day until now. Hanji invited us over for a game night. And the moment (Y/N) walked through the door, my body went stiff. She was sporting a rather short but beautiful floral dress. The fabric stopped about mid-thigh causing me to look away for a moment. Levi was to my right and I could feel his cold gaze on me, then he nudges my shoulder.

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