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Chapter 52: Foreboding

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I was still in the chair, arms tied behind me tightly rubbing against the rough rope. "(Y/N)?!" I hear him call. And it was like my body came alive again, my eyes shot open to the sound of his angelic voice. Erwin.

I watched as he ran between the crates, meeting his eyes I watched them soften. I couldn't help but lean forward wanting to rush into his arms. Instead, he rushed to me and fell to his knees. "My hands-" before I could finish he was already moving around me to untie them. Once they were loose, I tried to stand. A sudden pain rushed to my head making me sit back in the chair. "Are you alright? Anything broken?" he asks.

"No-" Before I could finish a loud bang scared me and next thing I knew Erwin slumped over exhaling rather loudly. I screamed at the top of my lungs terrified that the love of my life was just shot. I looked up to find Zeke standing in the dark corner slowly walking out into the light with his Glock pointed at Erwin.

"Well, that was a close one,"

~Dream Over~

I jolted awake, panting like crazy from the dream that felt so real compared to the other. "Hello lovely, have another nice nap?" Zeke asks. He leans down a bit and brushes some hair away from my face.

"Not really," I mumble tiredly.

"Oh well, I'm sure you'll be happy to see that lover boy has finally arrived," he says before stepping aside revealing Erwin standing before me. My eyes widened, as I saw the blonde holding Eren in one hand and the money in the other.

"I brought you the things you asked for now hand (Y/N) over," Erwin demands. Zeke walks over to take both things. Handing the bag to his brother, I watch Zeke open the bag and look inside to find hundreds of dollar bills inside.

"Be a good baby brother and count that for me," he asks, then turning to Erwin, he smirks. "Now, I was really hoping I could take her off of your hands for you Erwin, I mean do you really want to be with someone who broke your heart like that?" Zeke asks.

Oh please Erwin don't listen to him! "I know why she had to do it, besides you heard our conversation earlier if I am correct."

I smiled at my lover and watched as he slowly made his way over to me. Walking around the back of my chair I felt him fiddle with the knots of the rope. When they came loose my body finally relaxed in the chair for a moment. With all the strength I could muster, I turned to hug Erwin. As he took me into his arms I finally felt safe and my body felt as though it was melting. "Everyone is on their way in," he mutters in my ear. I did my best not to move suddenly or say anything that would set Zeke off.

But then there was a loud crash in the distance to which caused us all to look off in that direction, and before I could react, I was about to turn to Zeke only for him to shoot me in the leg. I cried out in pain as I fell to my knees. "(Y/N)!" Erwin screams. I grabbed my bleeding leg applying pressure over the wound as I sobbed in pain. That motherfuck-

I had my back turned to Zeke so I didn't see what he did next. Another shot went off and Erwin soon fell to his knees right before me. And in his left shoulder was the new wound. Zeke had shot him there, gasping I quickly lean forward to catch him. As my blonde lover leaned against me groaning in pain, I looked back at Zeke horrified. "Y-You promised you wouldn't hurt him!"

"That was before he broke our promise, your prince didn't come alone like I told him to," Zeke says. Erwin's body was becoming heavy now, he's probably passed out from the pain, but I couldn't help him because Zeke was grabbing onto my arm trying to pull me away. "Let's go little whore, we've got a boat to catch,"

And before I knew it I was yanked up into his arms and he carried me bridal style out of the room. And the last thing I saw was Erwin's body on the floor. No...you have to get up Erwin! I cried into Zeke's shoulder from the pain of being shot and the thought of living in a world without Erwin in it. He can't be dead, he just can't be.

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