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Chapter 34: Clues

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Levi and I sat outside the hardware store Zeke seems to call every Friday. His car was out front as we waited. Kept well hidden in the dark alleyway, we peeked our heads out to check and see if they left but would find his car and one of his- I guess new bodyguards standing out in front of the door. "How much longer do you think he'll be in there for?" Levi wonders softly.

I check my watch finding it's almost been an hour since we watched him walk inside. "Who knows, honestly we know that he's coming here, I'm sure we can figure out another-"

"Shh!" Levi hushes as his head is slightly turned looking out at the street. I assumed Zeke finally was exiting the building. "He's leaving," Levi mumbles.

I waited for Levi to make the first move, I didn't think we'd be getting inside tonight but once Levi was off I stuck close behind. As we entered the building, I knew then the money surely wasn't for the mother because the same woman was standing at the counter looking perfectly healthy. But then again who knows, she may look fine but there could be something else going on. I walked around looking on the shelves, different tools were hung up while Levi went to the counter to talk to her- distract her.

As I walked around, I kept a look out for anything suspicious. I even looked at the shelves of different tools like a hammer, one that caught my interest had the claw hammer. The claw seemed to be cleaned rather thoroughly while the head of it was dingy. Not to mention underneath the handle was a strand of hair-


Standing over the dead girl's body in the morgue, the examiner was explaining her death, he went as far as to turn her head revealing a large open wound at the back of her head. It was a fair size but looked more so like a chunk had been taken out as if she were hit with a hammer or something.

The woman's face was also covered in dark bruises clearly she must've tried to fight back and the attacker was trying to knock her unconscious until that. Maybe he pushed her against something and that's how she got the gash?

~Flashback Over~

And I remembered specifically her hair was amber. Plucking the piece of hair out from under it, I folded it in a cloth and hid it in my pocket for examination later. It could very well may be a random customer's piece of hair but the way it looked only partially cleaned was odd.

With that, I then turned to look at the other shelf when I noticed the door for 'Employees Only' was ajar. I wanted to take a peek but my attention was then turned to my ravenette partner making 'psst' sounds at me. I turn my curious glance his way to find he was by the door now. Quickly I follow not wanting to draw attention to myself.

Upon exiting the building, I let out a sigh and follow Levi back to his car. "Something is odd about that place. The woman was giving rather vague answers," he states.

"What did you ask her?"

"Well, I mostly made small talk and even talked about the weapons she was selling. Then I saw the picture of her son and she told me he's hardly ever around and that he apparently left town weeks ago," he explains.

"Odd, well I think there could possibly be something going on behind the 'Employees Only' door, but otherwise all I found was a strand of hair on a hammer that I want to send to forensics,"

Levi started the car and let out a tired sigh, "I'll see if I can get a warrant, have the place searched,"

~Time Skip~


Erwin had texted, he was on his way to see me. Filled with excitement, I cooked up dinner and got it all set on the table before heading over to my large window where my kitty was sitting. Picking her up, I held her in my arms as I watched cars pass along the street, eventually, I saw the blonde walking along the sidewalk. I smile softly until my eyes traveled up finding another figure walking behind him, and he looked like he was in a bit of a rush. I didn't want to think Erwin was being followed but when Erwin crossed the street and headed for the doors, I watched the man enter too.

Maybe it's someone who lives in the building. But the guy looked like he was trying to catch up with Erwin to grab him... No! I'm just paranoid. Nervously I waited until there was a knock at my door. "Hey-" There was no time, I pulled the large man inside, shut my door, and locked it.

I waited now, waited for a knock or something, but it never came. Letting out a sigh, I turn to my man to find his expression filled with concern. "Is everything okay?" he asks, now placing a hand on my cheek to comfort me.

"Y-yeah, just thought someone was following you, but I guess I got scared for nothing," I sigh.

Leaning in he kisses me quick. But then- it was there, two consecutive knocks, and my heart plummeted. "I'm not expecting anyone else, Erwin," I mutter. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he gently steps around me.

"Go to your room, you might wanna get ready to call the police, lock your door," he warns.

Grabbing my phone up off of the dining table I do as told, taking me and Mango to my bedroom where I locked myself in. I had my phone open with 911 dialed but I didn't press the call button. Not until I knew we were in danger. Everything seemed to go silent for a moment- that was until I heard a loud bang causing me to drop to the floor in fear, hiding at the side of the bed. Next, I heard shuffling and that's when I finally called.

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