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Chapter 8: Genuine

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I didn't leave the office until late that evening with (Y/N), we were still going over plans for the fundraiser. Mostly plans for decorations and a theme, you'd think that with this fundraiser coming up within a month they'd have a lot more done.

In the elevator beside the short female, we both remained silent, tired out from a hard day at work. (Y/N) had been working with Hanji mostly because Zeke had meetings after meeting and simply decided Hanji needed the extra help. And although I just want to pass out once I get home, I knew I had to mention something of this local shop to Kenny to have him look into it.

As we began our journey home, I noticed how quiet the streets were tonight. Which was why I was still walking with (Y/N), she couldn't call for any cab when there weren't any on the street to be seen. My eyes scanned the area keeping look out incase I saw something suspicious as I unintentionally walked (Y/N) home. I mean, my place was also in the direction she was headed, but the need to protect her was stronger than ever since my meeting with Zeke.

Our walk was for the most part silent, there wasn't much to be said since we spent the whole day talking and knew what we were both up to. Glancing down at her, I watched as her eyes remained peeled at the sight before her, the bags under her eyes now more apparent. "You look exhausted," I blurt.

Then a soft chuckle escapes from her lips, "I am exhausted, this fundraiser is really taking its toll, but I'll feel more relieved once everything is done," she explains.

"Yes, that's true, but you should pace yourself,"

Her smile remains as her eyes look to the ground, almost as if she was too shy to look at me, so I look away hoping it would make her feel less uncomfortable, then she says; "I've been meaning to ask... but would you like to grab a coffee sometime?"

Worry then shot through me when I came to a halt, soon after (Y/N) also stopped and turned back to me noticing my reaction. Finally, my eyes met hers as I answer with, "I don't think that's a good idea,"

"Why not?"

I didn't answer at first which only made her persist in asking, she began to wonder if it had anything to do with my meeting with Zeke yesterday. Like I'd give a rat's ass what he'd have to say. "You don't have to pretend you like me just because we work together. I'm just an intern- I don't need to be distracted,"

I didn't mean for it to sound rude but I wasn't about to catch feelings for the girl I'm supposed to be protecting. I'd rather be looking after her from afar and only step in when things got troubling for her. I couldn't be distracted from investigating Zeke. (Y/N)'s face turned pale, and hurt upon hearing my harsh words. Then her back turns to me, "Fine...have a good night," it was rather hushed, but I could hear how hurt she was which only caused a pang in my chest. She walked off into the darkness by herself, while I stood there regretting what I said.

As I entered my apartment, I sat at my desk overlooking the files I had. Pictures of (Y/N) and Zeke were scattered on my desk along with their information. I began looking through the list of women that worked under Zeke and see if I could see if any of them had gone missing and such. If I had to I could always find them and question them see if they had any dirt on the rich blonde. But while trying to research, my thoughts would recall the words that slipped from my mouth, and (Y/N)'s reaction to them. Damn... I didn't have to be so rude. 

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