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Chapter 15: Hopelessly

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The meeting went on without conflict after I stopped Zeke from touching me, now it was over and Erwin quickly got me out of the room. As we were leaving the room, Zeke had called for me only instead of turning around Erwin forced me forward only in a gentle manner as he shielded my backside.

When we reached my office, Erwin took my hand again and I quickly look down before my eyes dart up to meet his. I smile gently, as we just stood there for a moment. "You okay?" he asks.

Letting out a long sigh, I nod my head. "Yeah, but I'm gonna have to see him at some point, he'll probably give me a lecture about my behavior- probably," I inform him.

"If you want...I can go with you, so you're not alone," he offers. My smile grows wider at his kindness, but I shook my head.

"No, I don't want to get you into more trouble. Besides, if he does touch me I can always punch him in the face," I say, this causes him to smirk a little at my words. Now it was silent again while we stood there hand in hand. Letting out another sigh, I go to pull away from Erwin's grasp, but when I looked up from our hands again I felt his grip tighten as he slowly pulled me in.


I had no idea what I was thinking- really I wasn't thinking at all at this moment, my hand had a mind of its own as I pulled (Y/N) closer to me. Who would've thought that only a couple of weeks into my fake job and I'd be falling for this woman I'm supposed to be protecting. But here I was only inches away from doing what I told myself never to do. Fall in love.

Just before our lips could touch, the door flew open and we both quickly separated. "What?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"(Y/N), Zeke would like to see you in his office," Eren informs us. (Y/N) steps forward only for me to block her path with my hand.

"I'll go instead, stay here," I tell her.

She nods and goes to stand by her desk while I followed the reluctant brunette out of the room and down the hallway. Upon opening the door, Zeke looks up smiling at first but it quickly fades once he realizes I came instead. "Where is (Y/N)?" he asks coldly.

"I came in her place, I don't like her being alone with you," I confess.

The blonde raises a brow at me and smirks evilly, slowly rising from his chair, he strides around his sleek stain glass desk up to me where he stands only a couple feet away. "You know, I didn't want to admit it before, really I was just hoping it was a phase but you got it bad eyebrows," he retorts. I wanted to play dumb, but he'd see right through me.

"We're not having this discussion, I wanna talk about you making (Y/N) uncomfortable, and what I'll do if it doesn't stop,"

He begins to laugh hysterically, "Oh you're good, this is a first," he sighs as he turns away and starts to wander around the room. "You think you can have me removed? From the building I own? I'm sure I could pay the police enough to not touch me, and you wanna threaten me with that ridiculous line? Com'on Erwin, you can certainly do better than that," he continues.

"I didn't say anything about calling the authorities, I know you'd use your money to hush anyone in this building, except for me at least," I retort.

Stopping in his tracks he glances back at me for a second before moving on. "So tell me, what is it you like about (Y/N)? Must be that cute little body of hers' right? Must make you feel all big and tough catering to such a small woman. I mean- you were enjoying yourself last night grinding up on her," Zeke says, my stomach churns at the way he described (Y/N)'s body, so vulgar and carelessly as if she were just some object he could play with.

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