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Chapter 59: Normal

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After my turn up on the podium, it was (Y/N)'s turn to give her official statement. Today was Zeke's trial, and from all the evidence we gathered, even from mine and Mike's previous case, there were more than enough things against this man to send him to prison for life.

I did my best to watch her talk, but my eyes would wander off to my right, watching Zeke watch her intensely. I couldn't help but clench my fists watching him stare up at her in complete awe. Clearly, he still wanted her, and he probably would for the rest of his life. I forced my attention back to my girlfriend, she did her best to answer the questions, but I could tell some were a bit too much for her especially since it was so personal and traumatic.

By the time she was finished, she took a deep breath and came back to sit beside me. She took my hands and I could feel her shaking. "You alright?" I whisper.

She nods and forces a smile. "Zeke just makes me nervous, but I'll be fine," Nodding with her, I pull her close and press my lips against her cheek hoping it would make her feel a little better. And finally, it was time to hear Zeke's charges, even though I already knew.

Whispers could be heard throughout the room just before the judge used their gavel. The room fell silent while (Y/N) and I looked to the front. Zeke stood before the judge in handcuffs and two guards beside him. "Zeke Jaeger, you are charged with first-degree murder, human trafficking, and kidnapping, and hereby sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole."

After the last few things, the trial was over and Zeke was gone for good. Leaving the main room, I watched as (Y/N) hunched over and leaned against the closest wall. "Hey, you okay?" I ask, sounding a little panicked.

"Yeah, just feel a little sick again,"

She was sick this morning, I wasn't sure how hard the morning sickness would be on her until now. "Are you sure, I'll go get you some water-"

"No- no Erwin, I'm fine, it'll pass," she says.


"Erwin!" she finally snaps, I couldn't help but look shocked, she hadn't really ever yelled at me before, I mean she was pissed when she found out who I really was but even then she didn't really yell. "Just stop... stop babying me," she says in a low cold tone.

With that, she walked off towards the entrance while I stayed behind. I'm sorry...I really can't help myself.


I felt like throwing up, even though I was headed for the exit, I made a detour towards the nearest bathrooms. After snapping at Erwin like that, I did feel a bit guilty, I knew he was just concerned for my well-being. Once in the first stall, I couldn't help but vomit. I sat on the floor waiting for it all to pass.

Later when I got home, I plopped myself down on the couch. I had a little bit of time before I had a job interview so I decided to rest. Really I wasn't sure if I should worry about working right now when I'd have to be on maternity leave later on in my pregnancy. But it would be good to have to help save for a place with Erwin.

Resting on the couch, Mango jumped up and rested herself on my belly. "Hey baby," I greet as I pat her little head. Rocco should be around here somewhere too. But I didn't worry too much right now, I was too tired to get up.

~Time Skip~

I hadn't seen Erwin much after this morning at the trial. He had to get back to the precinct and with his promotion, he seemed to spend more time there. I was in the kitchen prepared to make dinner for myself and leave Erwin some leftovers when I heard my door open. And for some reason, my paranoia took over me. I couldn't remember if I had given Erwin the spare key, but when I finally turned I let out a sigh.

I guess part of me was still afraid Zeke could escape prison again, but thankfully it was Erwin. "Hi," I greet softly.

The blonde was silent, still probably upset about how I snapped at him earlier. He walked across the living room but stopped at the edge looking at the mail on the counter. "Erwin...I'm sorry for earlier, I'm just tired and was nervous from the trial,"

Finally, his eyes meet mine and they soften. "I'm sorry too... I didn't realize I was being annoying," he mumbles the last bit which made my heart ache a little. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"It's okay, I understand your concerns. Maybe we should start up our routine again, I know it may not help you with your worries for me and the baby but maybe we may feel normal again or something?"

Looking down at me curiously, his hands rest just a bit above my butt. "Is that okay? It won't hurt the baby?"

I chuckle at his response then feel his grip tighten, "I'm serious (Y/N), I don't want to do anything that'll be harmful to you or the baby," now I looked at him in awe, I knew he was a good man, but at this point, I had to wonder if he was sent from heaven. So jumping up onto my tiptoes, I kissed his cheek.

"Yes, it's perfectly fine, a little exercise is good every now and then. And I've already talked to my doctor, and having sex is perfectly fine, she even emailed me documents on good positions that'll be more comfortable when I'm...you know," Now Erwin chuckled as he shook his head.

"Don't tempt me, Angel,"

Before he could bend down to kiss me, I turned to the cooking food. "Oh!" I pulled away from his arms and returned to stirring the food making sure it wasn't burnt at the bottom of the pan.

~Time Skip~

Later that night, I awoke to Erwin groaning in pain. I sat up and turned to look at his side to find him missing, as I got out of bed though he let out another pained groan. That's when I turned and found him at the foot of the bed holding himself.

Jumping out of bed, I knelt before him with a worried look. "Erwin..." I trail off finding him crying.

"I-I'm sorry," he croaks.

"Shh, it's okay," I whisper.

I didn't ask him to talk about it, I knew it would take a while for things to go back to normal, especially when we both had gone through some traumatic stuff. So instead of pushing him to talk about whatever was plaguing his mind, I sat there with him and allowed him to rest his head on my lap.

After a while, he calmed down a bit but didn't immediately go back to bed. "Y-you can go back to sleep, I'm sorry I woke you,"

To be honest I wasn't sure I wanted to go back to sleep, at least not without him beside me. And I was afraid he'd have another nightmare and leave me again. "It's alright, I'll stay with you until you're ready," Finally he nods and lets out a long sigh. And for another hour or so we sat on the floor in silence until he was ready to get back up. 

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