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Chapter 11: The Morning After

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With a sharp inhale my body shifts upwards as I awaken from my deep slumber. My eyes open just barely as I look around the messy bedroom. Then rubbing them both I let out a long yawn. Oh wait, I'm not home! Now wide awake I glance down at my attire realizing this wasn't my shirt. Oh right, I'm at Erwin's.

Slowly getting out of bed, I head into the bathroom. Along the way there I could smell something good coming from outside the room. After using the restroom, I slowly open the bedroom door to find the kitchen light on. The sun was pouring in from the tall windows to the left.

As I step out into the main room, Erwin appears from out of his pantry. "Oh morning," he greets. I completely brushed off his words while my eyes scanned over his built body. I knew he was built but looking at him sporting sweatpants and a tank top only made me realize more how defined his muscles were.

"Morning," I mumble, standing there awkwardly, I wasn't sure where to sit or if I should. When the tall blonde turned to me, he stopped and smiled sweetly. Then quickly stepping up to the chair closest to me he pulls it out for me.

Quickly taking a seat, I pull the seat in with the help of his gentle pushing. Then resting my arms on the table I watched him go back to work at cooking breakfast. Even his backside seemed more attractive without all those layers covering him. For a moment I was sure I watched his back flex a little, when he turned to face me I quickly dart my gaze elsewhere. But that didn't stop my eyes from looking at him once again.

This time he looked at me too, and as the silence continued, I wondered who would break it first. "You know, I could get used to this," I finally say as I sit back in the seat, I watched Erwin walk around the counter now, with two plates in his hand.

"Used to what?" he wonders.

"Having a handsome man feed me breakfast, I could've helped you know?" I tease.

He simply smiles and shakes his head at my comment, sitting down in front of me I watch as he starts to eat. "Anyway, thank you for last night, taking me in I mean- and the clothes-"

"You're welcome,"

Smiling back at him, I finally began eating my food. For most of the morning, things were silent, Erwin walked me to the apartment so I could change, then we headed off to work for the day. Upon walking into the building I was met with the highly caffeinated Hanji jumping at me.

"Hey! You're here early- and with Erwin!" due to her loudness I pull her off to the side away from Erwin in case she said anything inappropriate. My attempts to hush her on the way to somewhere more private failed, but when I finally reached her office I gently shoved her inside.

"Gonna have to make a personal note to lock the break room before 9," I mutter.

"What's going on between you and hot blondie?" she asks.

"Nothing, why?"

"Well you two never come into work together, and not even early- so I've concluded that you two spent the night together! Tell me, I need details!" she wonders excitedly.

"Hanji, nothing happened. It's the caffeine. I wasn't comfortable going home so Erwin allowed me to spend the night," I explain.

"Did you share a bed?"

I roll my eyes at her before shaking my head, "He slept on the couch,"

Now looking at me rather bummed she lets out a sigh all while falling into her seat but soon enough her frown faded, smiling I finally turned to the door to leave. "See you later Hanji, and no more coffee," with that, I was out finally into the hall quickly making a break for my office in case Hanji had anymore interesting questions.

Once I had reached my office, I quickly slip in finding Erwin sitting and waiting for me. "What did Hanji want?" he asks.

"Nothing really- just uh fundraiser stuff you know," I lie.

Walking around my desk, I take a seat and lean back already feeling tired. Then leaning forward I begin to go through the files to see what we had in store for today. And when I glanced up I met the pale blue eyes of Erwin staring back at me. Again there was only silence as we looked at one another, then quickly looking back down at the paper, I gave the blonde a copy and begin explaining today's work.

~Earlier That Day~


I awoke early that morning thinking it would be best to make breakfast before work. It wasn't something I typically did, but since I had a guest, I figured (Y/N) would want something to eat. Turning on the stove, I begin by placing a couple of strips of bacon on the skillet.

Then realizing I would want to make some pancakes, I head into my walk-in pantry to grab out the mix. While I was inside I heard a door open then shut, stepping outside there I found her standing "Oh, morning," I greet.

She didn't really answer right away, instead, she stared. When she did it was soft. I then returned to the oven where I continued making breakfast. I could feel her stare boring into my side for several minutes. When I finally turned to look back at her, forcing an awkward smile, I then walk up to the chair right before her. Pulling it out for her, I watched as her small form sat down, gently pushing her in, I then return to work.

Again I could feel the staring ensue, I didn't know what to say or if I should say anything at all. Maybe ask her how much she wanted? Instead, I flex my arms nonchalantly, or I tried to make it seem that way. The tips of my ears started to feel warm along with the rest of my body knowing she was gawking at me. When I darted back to check on her, she quickly looked away.

Walking around the counter with two plates, I watched as (Y/N) sat back and smiled softly. "I could get used to this," she says softly.

"Used to what?"

"Having a handsome man feed me breakfast, I could've helped you know?" she answers.

I simply smile and shake my head at her comment, sitting down in front of her, now she was back to watching me eat. "Anyway, thank you for last night, taking me in I mean- and the clothes-"

"You're welcome," I interject. And with that, we finally ate our food in silence, with a few more lingering stares. 

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