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Chapter 65: Support

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Dinner with my family and Erwin had gone quite well. Now we were just sitting at the table with the TV playing in the background. My mother turned her attention from the TV to my boyfriend. "So how is this whole Zeke situation going? Is he really put away for good?"

I watched as the blonde tensed up. "Mom," I whisper. It was traumatic for the both of us already, I didn't really want to have to explain it all over again.

Erwin straightened himself out and answered, "Yes, he will be staying in the Penitentiary in Attledon," my mother seemed to force a smile.

"And...how exactly did he escape in the first place?" my dad then asks.

My boyfriend glanced forward at my father then said, "A rookie colleague of mine... he was secretly working for him and was on guard that night. But as of now he is also facing jail time and no longer permitted to work in any of the precincts if he is released,"

I felt a little relieved with how at ease Erwin seemed answering the questions. And when I turned to my parents they seemed a little at ease. "And I expect any new hires are being closely monitored?" my father asks.

Erwin quickly nods. "Yes, and now that I'm chief I plan to regularly check in with my colleagues," he explains.

Dinner then turned rather silent until my mother finished her food and looked at the both of us. "So, do you have a name for the baby yet?"

Erwin and I spared a quick glance to one another before I responded. "Not yet, we haven't given it much thought right now with everything going on Mom," I explain.

After saying that the rest of dinner went on quietly, I was in the kitchen with Erwin cleaning up the dishes when my father came and grabbed Erwin. A little worried I watched Erwin, he seemed calm on the outside, but I'm sure he's panicking on the inside.


I followed (Y/N)'s father out to the balcony. Surely this is where he wants to throw me off now that he knows I'm responsible for (Y/N) being pregnant and hurt by Zeke. The cool breeze of the night swept through, sending a shiver down my spine. "You know when I came here, I really wanted to kick your ass... because I couldn't wrap my head around how a man who claims to love my daughter could also let her get hurt.... But I understand now that you've probably beaten yourself up about it since it happened. I can see now that you won't let anything hurt her or your baby. So instead, I want to thank you for taking care of her,"

There was a long silence as I thought back to all the moments I shared with (Y/N). That's not true. "With all due respect sir, (Y/N)'s done perfectly fine taking care of herself...aside from what happened with Zeke."

This causes him to smile and take a step closer to me. "I understand, but still thank you for making her happy,"

After that small talk, we both returned inside. Immediately (Y/N) came to my side and wrapped her arms around my waist. I shifted my eyes off of her and over to her parents watching as they held each other happily. I couldn't help but feel immense relief as this night concluded. As her parents left I received a hug from both of them, they seemed like wonderful people and I was thankful to have their support now as (Y/N) and I move forward with our future together. And at least I won't have to fear her father anymore...unless I screw up big time. 

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