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Chapter 30: The Fundraiser

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After months of planning, it was finally time for the big fundraiser. Earlier today I had met up with Hanji to get a good look at the venue, she did an excellent job decorating. But now back at the hotel with her, I got changed in her room allowing Erwin to get ready and leave before me. I wanted to surprise him with the dress I picked out.

Walking out of the bathroom face fresh full of makeup and hair perfectly intact, I revealed the dress to Hanji and watched as she looked at me in shock. It was an off-the-shoulder, floor-length red satin dress, it hugged my figure in the right places while at the skirt it poofed out, and on the right side, there was a slit revealing my leg. "Oh my god, you look divine!" she says, all while circling around the dress.

"You think so?" I wonder.

"Uh, hell yeah. Erwin won't be able to keep his eyes- much less his hands off of you when he sees you," she says. Hearing her say that brought a smile to my face, I could just see his face now, in shock but happy to see me.

"Okay we better hurry, I don't wanna be late," I tell Hanji as I slip on my shoes. We both then made our way out and downstairs to one of Zeke's cars that were waiting for us. Thankfully I hadn't seen my boss, part of me wondered if he was coming in late.


At the party, I stood by the bar waiting for my date to arrive. (Y/N) insisted we change separately, and leave the same way in order to surprise me. I thought it was silly because I'd find her beautiful in anything she wore. I downed my second drink before leaving the bar, heading for the large staircase leading up to the entrance, I looked up hoping I'd see her walk in.

The music played loudly and the chatter from people around me drowned out most of my thoughts. That was until I looked up at the top of the stairs again. There standing at the very top was (Y/N), she had a dark coat over her dress which was soon taken off of her. My eyes widened slightly at the sight of what she was wearing, it was elegant. She looked absolutely breathtaking, but from the corner of my eye, I could see I wasn't the only one admiring her.

Quickly I intercepted Zeke making sure I had (Y/N). As she descended the staircase, her eyes locked with mine as she smiled sweetly. By the last step, she took my hand in hers, once she was completely down, that same hand traveled up and wrapped around my arm as I led her to the dance floor.

Luckily the song changed as we stood before each other, after taking her into my arms we both moved in time with the music, swaying left and right. We weaved through the crowd of other dancers but they didn't matter to us.

Then gently I pushed (Y/N) outward allowing her to twirl around, I pulled her back in quickly almost catching her which made her laugh. We danced for quite a while before I spun her out again.


I held Erwin's hand tightly, I didn't expect while away from my date that someone would snatch me. But I should've suspected a certain someone would. Yanked from my boyfriend, I was pulled into the arms of another, forced to dance. Of course, Zeke had planned this. "Hello beautiful," he greets.

"Hello, Zeke...what do you want?"

He chuckles and pulls me in closer, "Humor me for a bit, won't you?" he asks.

It's not like I had much of a choice, if I left him he'd just find me again later. "Fine, but keep your hands above the waist," I remind him.

"Of course, this surely isn't the place for things of that nature. But if you're willing maybe-"

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