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Chapter 17: Remedy

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Slowly walking over to Erwin, I found his head in his hands and soft sobs escaping his lips. I wasn't sure how to comfort him or if that would even help him. So, as I stood before him ready to place a hand on his back, he stood for a moment only to lean forward letting out more tears. "Hey," I whisper, as he sinks further, his arms wrapped around me and his head rested on my chest.

My arms did their best to cradle him as I moved us back to the bench for us to sit at. "Shhh," I coo after hearing him sniffle.

"I'm sorry," he croaks.

After some time he settled down and was ready to leave, I took his hand again and led him to the taxi that he must've told to wait for us, as we got in the back, we were silent once again. Instead of heading back to the office today, I told the driver to go to Erwin's apartment.

"Wait- What about work?" he asks.

"I think we can skip a day, Zeke can get over it," I tell him.

~Time Skip~

Upon entering his apartment, I peel my jacket off and hang it on one of the hooks by his door. As he shuts the door I begin heading over to the windows where I opened the shades letting in the natural light. Afterward, I began picking up around the coffee table, sure it may not be my call to make but I think if this place were cleaner he'd be a little happier. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Cleaning, what does it look like?" I ask.

"But why? (Y/N) you don't need to do this-"

I stop and look up at him, finding him still by the door, now with his arms crossed. "I know but I figured if this place was a little cleaner and lighter you'd be less depressed. Plus if you help me it might take your mind off of the service today, even just a little," I explain. I wasn't sure if it would work for him, but it did for me.

He let out another long sigh before joining me in cleaning. After tackling the living room, we moved onto the other rooms like his bedroom and two bathrooms. Then there was a room I had never been in before, as I flicked on the light I found stacks of papers inside. "Hey Erwin, what is all of this?" I ask. Before I knew it he was at my side, he flicked the light off and shut the door stopping me from entering.

"That's my office, sorry but you can't go in there right now. Don't worry I'll clean it on my own time," he says.

"Oh...kay," I mumble as he walks away back into the kitchen. So, I moved onto his bedroom where I gathered his dirty clothes, placing them into the basket I head over into his master bathroom where the washer and dryer were. After dumping his clothes inside I return to the room, there I stacked random papers on his desk then placed them neatly beside his computer.

Next, I began making his bed, it felt a little odd, and it certainly didn't help when images started popping in my head while I was shaking the sheets out. Oh my god (Y/N) stop! I tightly shut my eyes pausing on cleaning. I wonder how many women he's had in his bed...but then again he doesn't seem like he's been with anyone in a really long time.

Then the door opened and I turn to find Erwin with a soft smile on his face. "I've called for some take-out, should be here soon," he says.

"Okay," I say with a smile, with that he left the room leaving me to my thoughts. Fluffing the pillows, I made sure everything was nice and tidy before leaving his room. Once I was back out in the living room after quickly cleaning the mostly cleaned bathrooms, the food was waiting for me on the coffee table along with the handsome blonde dishing it all out.

Sitting beside him, I smile softly as I take my plate from him and give him a soft smile. "You know, we should start something," I begin.

"Like what?" the blonde asks.

Covering my mouth as I was chewing my food I say, "Like we could go out jogging every morning and then have breakfast maybe? You know get our days started off right," I suggest.

"I don't know...I don't want to waste your time," he says, turning away from me. He was acting timid again, so I placed my hand on his bicep.

"Erwin, you are not wasting anyone's time, I think doing this will really help you feel better, but if not we can always find something else, but it's worth a shot," I tell him.

He didn't say anything, and he didn't even look at me, "Erwin I want to do this with you, it could be fun!" I say trying to sound enthusiastic.

Finally, his head turns just slightly, "What time?" he asks.

With a big smile, I answer, " 7 sharp," after I finished my food, I stand up ready to get cleaning again.

"What makes you think I'll be up at 7 in the morning?" he asks.

With a smirk, I say, "Because if you don't I know where you live and will wake up you with my annoying knocking,"

Erwin smiles back before letting out a deep chuckle, standing up he begins slowly walking up to me until he was towering over me. "I look forward to it," he mumbles. His voice was deep and smooth, it caused a chill to run down my spine. Touch me, please.

After our short moment there, I finally came back to my senses and turn my head to look away. "I...I should get home, it's getting late,"

"I'll walk you," he offers, as I head for the door I stop and turn to him. No, I need to clear my head- as much as I want to.

"No, I'll be okay, but thank you," I smile and grab my coat, before he could stop me I was outside his door, and quickly heading for the door. As I quickly took to the stairs, I didn't look back. My chest felt tight as I entered the lobby seeing the rain was pouring now. Upon exiting his building, I look up to his window. I slowly wave up then begin my trip home in the rain. I've got it bad. 

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