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Chapter 43: A Moment of Relief

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At Ascord Pier, we met Zeke's men head-on as they were transferring a new batch of frightened women onto a boat. Kenny had devised the plan and we made sure the group was with those we trusted most. Some of Zeke's men put up a good fight but when they realized they were outnumbered some scurried away while the rest were caught and cuffed.

As for the women, we grabbed who we could but we knew most of them would be in Attledon still locked up waiting to be bought off. It was going to be either me or Levi going to round them up with a team. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go, not with (Y/N) still in the hospital, or so I heard. Levi's been good about checking in on her for me and being discreet about it.

I watched over as some of my men helped the women to the vans to transport the injured ones to the hospital while the others would go straight to the precinct for their protection. Once the area had been cleaned up, we left.

The day had been hectic, filled with people running around tending to the women, asking them about their kidnappers, and identifying the other men who ran away. With this, it would be easy to pick them up now. And once we questioned them, Zeke would be put away for good, and Eren wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

Speaking of which he was brought in as well, only we transferred him to another precinct in case he tried to form a plan with his brother. And with that, the Jaeger Enterprise came crashing down. Within days, most of Zeke's employees would leave the company in search of new work.

Now, I stood up by the podium with Kenny and Levi going over the case as reporters asked their questions. It was a rather hectic conference, I had already done plenty of speaking and allowed Kenny to handle the questions. Besides, my eyes locked on a familiar girl walking in. (Y/N).

Relief washed over me as her eyes met mine. She still looked fairly beaten up, but I was glad she was alright. Our eyes remained locked on one another throughout the interview, I was afraid that if I looked away- or even blinked she would disappear. It had already been a little over a week since I had last talked to her- let alone been near her.

When the conference ended, I quickly made my way off of the small stage, but as I made my way over to the back of the room, people got in my way and I watched (Y/N) slip out. Confused, I gently pushed my way through the crowd, I had to get to her, talk to her, hold her- hell kiss her even. Tell her how sorry I was for the things I said. As I came to the main hall, I watched as she was now practically running out the door. Why is she running? Dashing for the door, I hoped I'd catch her in time to have a word.

When I got outside, I looked everywhere but was soon distracted when I felt a drop of rain hit my cheek. And before I knew it, it began to pour. My head darted left and right looking for her, I was so worried she had already disappeared, so I just started running in the direction of her apartment.

I got to a stop when I saw her standing there holding herself, "(Y/N)!" I shouted, her head darts back, eyes locking with mine. I was taken back by the fear in them when normally they would light up in happiness. The other people around her began crossing the road, leaving just the two of us standing there looking at one another.

"Hi," she says timidly, now her eyes shifted down looking at the ground, and I wondered what was going on.


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